The Assassin - Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

The mouth-watering smell of bacon wafted throughout the lower levels of The Burrow as Molly Weasley skilfully cooked away in the kitchen. Delicious piles of homemade food littered the long, wooden dining table; preserved by a charm to stay at the right temperature. As Molly continued her usual morning routine making breakfast for the entire household, four of her children had already awoken and were gathered around happily eating. Fred and George shared looks between themselves with a cheeky expression evidently on their faces.

"What are you two up to?" Ron asked between massive mouthfuls of sausage.

"We've just been thinking about Ginny's new crush," Fred smirked as they both looked upon their tired looking sister.

"Fred! George! Leave your sister alone," Molly disapprovingly said as she plated some more bacon that was quickly disappearing.

All three boys chuckled at the sight of a red cheeked Ginny. She quickly looked up the stairs before angrily turning around and leaning in closer to her brothers. Her face getting close to the same shade as her fiery, red hair.

"You better not say anything," she strained to whisper as quietly as she could manage through her anger.

"Ginny likes Harry. Ginny likes Harry. Ginny likes Harry," both of the twins whispered in a singsong tune.

"Stop it!" Ginny loudly whined, looking between the stairs and her brothers with slight panic.

"Boys, no more of this nonsense. Last warning," said Molly as she pointed the spatula at them threateningly.

"Yes Mum," Fred feigned apologetically, immediately turning his head away and smirked at Ginny vindictively.

"Sorry Mum," George smiled remorsefully at his mother before continuing on with his breakfast as if nothing had happened.

With a knowing smile on her face, Molly turned around to replenish the egg pile that her children had eagerly dug into. She had to make sure the rest of the household had food to eat upon waking up. Especially her new guest that was still upstairs. Molly allowed her mind to wander on last nights events. Her stomach churning at the sight of the young man's uncle brutalised and deceased in the family's living room. The news would have to be broken to the young man sooner rather than later. Part of her wondered how much Harry remembered of his time with the Dursley's.

The kitchen window blew open slightly from an invisible force, catching Molly's attention. In came a silvery Phoenix in all of its glory. She temporarily placed the cooking eggs under a charm to keep them from overcooking or burning. Placing her spatula down, she turned towards the silvery-white bird knowing what it was there for. The other occupants of the room turned their attention to the corporeal patronus, tension filled the room as they waited for the inevitable message that was to come.

"Emergency meeting now. Come immediately to my office," Dumbledore's voice filled the room, an ominous underlying tone evident.

"Fred, George, go get your older brothers and your father," Molly spun around, wiping her sweaty hands on her apron. "Ron make sure you are looking after Ginny. You two are not allowed to leave until we come back."

The twins eyes lit up as they immediately stood up and made their way upstairs to retrieve the other three. As Molly was dishing the last serve of the eggs and quickly tiding up the kitchen with a spell, Ron was looking at her with sad puppy dog eyes. Any time there had been an Order meeting lately, he did the same routine hoping his parents would give in.

"Can I come this time, please Mum?" he begged, standing up from his seat.

"No Ronald," she sighed as she took off her apron and sent it over to its resting spot. "You are staying here with your sister."

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