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A/N: OMG, thank you all so much for 1,000 reads! I started school so updates will probably be less frequent, or them might stay the same. I don't know. But here's a new part for ya! And I hope you enjoy!

When Nova heard all of the Renegades leave she turned to Callum, her hood still over her eyes

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When Nova heard all of the Renegades leave she turned to Callum, her hood still over her eyes.

"Do you think they're nervous? I mean, I hope they're nervous, I'm nervous, but we both know that we've practiced hard, but I can't help but be nervous," Nightmare got up and started pacing, knowing the exact amount of steps to take before turning around again, not missing a beat in her rant, "I mean I can't control whether or not they decide to cheat and use their powers, what if I forget our training and just fail completely and then they ask about where Nova, er I mean if they ask where I am. What if I walk past someone and then think I'll be able to find someone else and I can't and I can't find anyone else? What it-" She was cut off by Callum grabbing her wrists and turning her to face him. All of her 'what ifs' vanished from her and all she could think about was how warm Callum's breath was on her face.

Suddenly Nova was glad she was wearing her Nightmare mask, or else Callum would've been able to see how red her cheeks were, but soon that changed as Callum reached for her mask and pulled it off her face, and Nova struggled to calm down her beating heart, she felt exposed without it, not only because of her read cheeks, but also because of how hard she worked to make sure her two personas stayed separate from each other, but now, because of Callum, the two sides of her were merging, and she didn't know how she felt about it.

Nova realized that in taking off her mask Callum had let go of both of her hands, which were now resting at her side. She lifted one of them and brushed the hood out of her face, putting just enough force to move the fabric away from her eyes, and she gasped to see how close she and Callum had become.

"You'll be perfectly fine, and I think the odds of finding no one are slim to none, after all, we did do countless practice runs, all that it matters is that you make sure that at the end of the challenge that at least one of them remain."

"Yeah," That was all Nova could squeak out as she looked up at him and took in all of the freckles that danced across his face, but then she looked into his eyes, sweet rot, his eyes, they were a dark ember color with flecks of what seemed like gold, they sparkled like stars and Nova could picture herself getting lost in them for hours.

Subconsciously Nova felt herself leaning into Callum, and felt Callum'd hand snake around her waist, pulling her closer to him as he looked down into deep blue eyes, her usually hard eyes were soft and full of longing. He saw a spark of surprise as Callum started to snake his arms around her waist, Callum starts to smirk at her reaction.

The pair started leaning closer to each other, soon Nova was standing up on her tiptoes as they're faces inched closer together, soon, they could both feel the warm breath of the other on their faces. Callum leaned forwards, itching to close the gap when they both jumped at the sound of Nova's timer going off.

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