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A/N: Just a quick note before we get into this, remember the ball I was doing? Well, you see I didn't get the preparations done before the holidays and that caused me to get discouraged with writing since I liked the idea but didn't want to do an event relating to the holidays when it was nowhere near them, so now it's Valentine's Day Ball. The part with the actual event should be posted sometime in February, and I don't know how updates will go from there. I was waiting for my co-author to read this part before posting and they still haven't so I gave up hope... But this is a longer part and I hope you enjoy it! Sorry if there are any mistakes!

 But this is a longer part and I hope you enjoy it! Sorry if there are any mistakes!

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"My Uncle Ace."

"Are you saying, your uncle is Ace Anarchy?" Oscar asked as Nova simply nodded her head, "Well then I guess it makes sense that you're the youngest of the Anarchists."

"After Ace found me, he took me under his wing, all the Anarchists were shocked at first, none of them knew how to take care of a child, but there was another problem. I couldn't sleep, everytime I close my eyes all I hear are the gunshots of my family dying, one, two, three, pull the trigger Nova," Nova wasn't facing Oscar anymore, not wanting to let him see the tears streaming down her face, "So they were left to help a six-year-old with trama so bad she couldn't sleep while fighting the Renegades. They always tried to be nice, Winston was the one who I was always afraid of, but now that I haven't seen him in forever I see that he was the one who always did the most to take care of me, and helped me keep what was left of my childhood intact," Oscar walked up to Nova, turned her around and hugged her.

"I'm so sorry," Nova was about to interrupt saying that he had nothing to be sorry about but Oscar beat her to it, "Not about knocking you out, but I'm sorry that none of us realized just how much you're hurting, but Nova, we've all had traumatic experiences in our lives, if you only opened up before we could help you."

"Oscar, there's a line between wearing a mask and a mask becoming you, all I've ever known is this mask, I've tried to let my walls down but then doubt comes in. But I do know that just being able to be myself around you all, it makes me feel so much better, thank you," Nova hugged Oscar.

"Nova it's no problem, but why not tell everyone else, they'll understand."

"I've asked her so many times Oscar. It's what's easiest, letting you know one by one, making sure that the challenges she's giving you all help push you all into understanding why she is the way she is. Think about it like this, if she were to just go out to your team and The Dread Warden, would they give her the time of day to explain or would they just be betrayed and capture her then ask questions later, if they decided to ask questions."

"I guess when you put it like that I guess that they all just take the opportunity while she's vulnerable to capture her..." Oscar trailed off, understanding what Callum meant.

"I understand that you want to tell everyone Oscar, but just know that it's been hard for me to open up my past to Callum and now you, I'd just like to see everyone without my mask... To be able to tell everyone to take care of themselves."

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