"He doesn't want me talking about it."

"Dylan, you know you can to me."

"I know, I just feel like I'm betraying him if I do. Just everything he's going through; it is taking a toll on me too. Like I feel so helpless, like I'm just not good enough for him." I looked down at the desk then back up at a smiling Tegan.

"You know damn well you're good enough for that boy." I didn't realize what I had said apparently but she didn't miss it.


"It's okay, we've known for a while."

"It's not what you think."

"No? You aren't in love with our boy?" I bit my lip and looked down again. "Listen Dylan, he's so lucky to have you in his corner while he's dealing with all this bullshit Tia is throwing at him. You're his lifeline right now, and you'd be an idiot if you didn't realize that he loves and needs you. Just have to give him the time to realize it himself. He was stuck in a hell relationship for so many years, and boys are stupid." She let out a small laugh.

"He's going out on a date with my new roommate on Friday."

"Oh." Her surprised tone kind of hurt if I'm being honest. Not because she was shocked by it just because it actually hit me what was going on. Tears came to my eyes and started to spill over; I kept my eyes closed tight trying to force them to stop to no avail. I heard Momma Weaver get up from her seat, but as I waited for her small arms to wrap around me, I was surprised when big ones lifted me. I knew it was Cole, and as shocked as I was the tears still came and I hated myself for letting him see me like this. To think I'm crying over him and he's got no fucking clue. I opened my eyes and Momma Weaver was no longer in the office, and the door was shut.

"What are you doing here?"

"You weren't answering your phone, I've been texting you. Just lucky I checked here before your place."

"No, you're supposed to be working Cole."

"No, Dyl, I'm right where I need to be. Talk to me."

"It's nothing, I just hurt for you and needed to let it out."

"You can't let my burden hurt you like this."

"Cole, you're my best friend, what hurts you hurts me get over it." I laughed, he huffed out a small one and rocked us back and forth a little before pulling me away to see me.

"You can't let this get to you; I don't like to see you sad." I smiled slightly.

"If you're sad, I'm sad. If you're broken, we're both broken." I shrugged. "You need to get back to work before you make more work for me." I pushed him away, the closeness was killing me.

"I'm super tight with one of the bosses, I'll make sure I don't get in trouble." He smiled. "Dinner tonight? Talk to me, tell me what's really going on."

"Dinner tonight yes, but I've already told you." I looked down which was a bad idea because his hand came up and with a finger under my chin forced me to look back up at him.

"And that's not all, remember I know you Dyl. I'll grab dinner, p.s. you look beautiful." He kissed my forehead and let go.

"I'll make it, just let me know when you're on your way." He smiled before leaving the office. I left soon after and hit the store on my way home. When I was hurting, I made food, it didn't matter what kind of food just anything. So, I grabbed things for cheesecake, and Cajun chicken pasta, his favorite.

Thankfully when I got home Amelia wasn't there so I threw together the cheesecake and put it in the oven. Cole texted me, a little while after the cheesecake was done, saying he was on his way and I threw all the food together. It had about 10 minutes to go when he got there, and almost fell on the kitchen floor because he was only in his socks and came sliding in.

"Hey." He smiled and gave me a hug.

"You smelly."

"Yea, the job was nasty. How much longer?"

"Like ten minutes."

"Alright, I'm going to shower." I nodded, he kissed my head and walked out of the kitchen. I leaned my elbows against the island with my head in my hands. Apparently for longer than intended because arms wrapped around my stomach, and his chin perched on my shoulder. "Please, talk to me." I sighed and turned to look at him.

"It's stupid."

"I don't care."

"I just...It really. Ugh." I looked up at the ceiling. The timer went off for the food so I pulled it out and made our plates, letting it cool I turned back towards his adorable waiting face. "Cole, I."

"HEY! Smells SOOOOOOO good in here!" Great timing Amelia. I rolled my eyes. "Oh, hey Cole." Why'd that sound so seductive.

"Hey Amelia." His eyes didn't leave mine. I bit my lip hard.

"Nevermind." I whispered hoping he would drop it. Instead he grabbed our plates and set them down at the table. "Amelia you hungry?"

"For something you cooked heck yea! Been forever since I had something that didn't start out frozen!" She brushed past Cole, causing my blood to boil and helped herself to some food. I went and sat down at the table.

"Talk to me." Cole whispered. "Please." I shook my head once, and his shoulders slumped. "Later?" I shrugged just as Amelia took a chair moving it way too close to Cole. I rolled my eyes. Cole gave me a weird look. "Wait, is it?"

"Stop." Was all I said before taking a bite, even though I was sicker to my stomach than I was hungry.



"What am I missing?" Amelia said still smiling like a crazy person, obviously unable to feel the tension between Cole and myself. "Seriously." She let out a giggle.

"Just trying to get Dylan to talk to me." Eyes still on me.

"Giving you the silent treatment?" She asked.

"Something like that." He took a bite but his eyes stayed steady on mine. "Talk to me Dyl."

"Talk to your date, asshole." I slammed my hands on the table getting up and all but ran to my room. The only thing I heard was 'oh shit' from Cole before I slammed my door shut and locked it. Throwing myself down on my bed and just allowing the tears to fall. I'm so stupid, this is so stupid, he isn't mine to be upset about!

Needing You (You Series, Book 1, Finding Happiness Spinoff)Where stories live. Discover now