I can handle it

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6 months later.
Jay has been working an undercover case trying to get drugs off the street. Meanwhile he's also been seeing this girl while using an alias.

Jay POV:

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Jay POV:

We were watching the drug house.
"Jay, is that who I think it is?" Kim asked and I looked up to see the girl that I've been seeing walk into the house.
"No. No I don't think that's her." I said
"Come on Jay that looks exactly like that girl."
"No you must've not looked good enough." I said.
"Okay..." kim started "let's go back to the district see if they've got anything." She said and I started to drive away.

Nobody POV:

" is this going to be an issue for you? That one of their new buyers is an old CI of yours?" Hank asked Jay.
"No it shouldn't be." He said
"I think it's a tight connection. Might blow your cover." Hailey said
"Well you don't get to make that call." Jay said
"Who does?" She asked. They were both getting angry.
"He does." Adam said. Jay turned towards voight.

"Hank, I'm good

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"Hank, I'm good. This isn't going to be an issue. I'll go talk to him before we continue. It's going to be fine. I can handle it." Jay said
"Fine, go. Take Kim, Adam and Al with you." Hank said and they all nodded.

Jay POV:

I grabbed my phone and texted that girl, Reilly.
Me: my apartment in an hour.
R: I'll be there

Nobody POV:

We got there and knocked on the door. Jason opened up.
"Look who it is mr. officer." He said
"We need to talk." Jay said
"Do we?" He asked
"You're the new buyer for a crew we're looking at." Adam explained
"Oh and let me guess. Halstead over here is the under cover and you don't want me to blow it." He said grinning
"This isn't funny, Jason." Jay said
"Fine. You got my word. I won't blow your mission. I'll keep my mouth shut." He said
"Good. Do that." Jay said
"On one condition..."
"Of course." Al said
"I get half the money."
"You know we can't promise that without talking to our boss. We'll let you know." Jay said and we started to walk out.
"Hey did I hear right? You gave up your kid to save your wife and then she left you?" He asked laughing.

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