Every time

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Nobody POV:

The team was given a case where a crew was robbing and killing the store owner and voight had Brooke and Jay hit a local phone store to see if their suspect had bought a pre paid phone from there.

"Why don't you bring that ass over to my place sometime, girl? I'll let you in

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"Why don't you bring that ass over to my place sometime, girl? I'll let you in." The guy said and jay just looked at him annoyed and handed me his gun and badge.
" oh, let it go." Brooke said. Jay walked over there.
"You wanna go? Come on." He said
"You just want to charge me for hitting a cop." The guy said
"Do you see a badge or gun?" Jay asked and the guy came at him but Jay kneed him and punched him until he was on the ground "anybody else?" He asked and nobody moved. He helped the guy off the ground and went back to Brooke.
"My hero. You're still not driving." She said.

. . .

"Casey, take a ride?" Antonio asked and I nodded and followed him. We went to firehouse 51.
"What are we doing here?" I asked
" I need to drop something off to gabby. Figured you would want to see your brother."  He said and we walked in.
"Brooks, hey." Matt said getting up to give me a hug
"Hey." I said "what's going on?" I asked
"Nothing much." He said and then I heard a bark and looked at him "oh yeah..." he said and a dog ran in.
"No way! You guys got a dog?!" I chirped.
"Tuesday meet Brooke. Brooke this is Tuesday." Sylvie said and I was just consumed by the dog licking me.
"And she's gone. You can tell voight she'll be here all day because she'll be no use to him." Kelly joked and Antonio laughed.
"Come on kid we've got to get going."
"Ohhh okay. I've got to go. Yes I do. But I'll be back tomorrow. Yes." I said in a baby voice and waved goodbye and followed Antonio.

Jay POV:

" hey can you look something up for me?" Hailey asked
"Sure what is it?"
"A license plate. It was seen outside both places thought maybe it would come back as something." She said and started to ready it and i typed it in.

"Wait stop there" she said putting a hand on my shoulder

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"Wait stop there" she said putting a hand on my shoulder. I looked at her.

Brooke POV:

We climbed the stairs and I stopped in my tracks watching Hailey put her hand on his shoulder and him look at her.

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