Chapter 20

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Adora's POV

I go to the cooler to grab a beer before sitting down next to my girlfriend. I still haven't quite gotten used to saying or thinking that: my girlfriend. I've been openly gay for the last year and only had one other girlfriend, but it wasn't anything serious. When she broke up with me she told me I was a mistake and that she really wasn't gay. It hurt at the moment but I laugh at it now. Being able to call Catra my girlfriend and thinking of it just brings a smile to my face.

"What's got you smiling princess?" Catra said looking at me curiously.

"Nothing really. Just happy to call you my girlfriend, that's all." I flash a smile at her before nuzzling my head into her shoulder.

"That doesn't sound like nothing to me," she wraps her arm around my side and kisses my forehead. She pulls her phone out and takes a quick selfie of us. "Have to change my background on my phone to my girlfriend and I."

"My dearest Mermista can I interest you in a s'more?" SeaHawk seemed like he asking but he was he already had all the supplies out and ready.

"Just don't screw it up this time,"  she said as she took a sip from her beer.

"Oh I love S'mores!!! Scorpia makes the best ones!" Perfume was boasting. They haven't made it official that they're dating, but it's not secret they have a thing.

"Would m'lady care for a s'more?" Catra said, "I make the best."

"The best huh? I'll be the judge of that." I smirk. There's only one way to mess up a s'more and that's if you put the marshmallow on fire. Gross. Golden brown is the only way. I'm not going to tell her that though, you learn a lot about somehow in how they cook a s'more.

"Oh judging?! Is there a scientific experiment going on?" Entrapta perked her head up, "Did you guys know that s'mores are the top treat for a camp fire? They're also a fast way to diabetes."

"Well worth the diabetes though." Catra says as she finishes putting her masterpiece together. She's so focused, making sure everything is perfect. She finished and handed it to me, her eyes not leaving mine as she's waiting for my reaction.

I take a bite of it and holy crap. This is delicious. It's perfectly warm and gooey. Plus there's something else, something different. "Is that a Reese's peanut butter cup?" I devour the last bite.

"Yes it is. It's my secret to the perfect s'more." She smiles triumphantly.

"Catra, that was so good! Can I have another?"

"Oh another huh. That's asking a lot." She teases. "I might be able to make another one, but it comes at a price."

"What price?"

"A kiss."

"Oh I don't know Catra. That's a steep price. But, for you I'll make it work." I lean over and kiss her with my sticky lips. 

"Mmmm" she licks her lips, "you taste like marshmallow."

"I bet I can make a better one that you," Bow got up to join in on the s'more fun.

She laughs and starts preparing another s'more while I finish my beer and get up to get another.

"You guys. This year just started and it's already the best. Thank you guys for always being there." Scorpia was saying. She lifted her beer up to the sky. "To the best of friends!"

The group lifts up their drinks and cheers. "Seriously, you guys have become my family. My dads hardly ever around since he's got his business to run so I may physically be lonely but I never feel alone because I have you all." Mermista says. She must be getting tipsy since she's getting into her feels.

"You guys really are the best. I'm thankful to have you all as friends. Especially after my dad passed away last year. It's like Mermista said, we're all a family." Glimmer spoke up. Her and Bow have been in their own world since the s'mores experiment started.

"To the best friend squad!" Bow squealed as we all cheered again.

"Now that we all have shared our feelings how about a scary story?" It was Lonnie this time.

We all nod in agreement. Catra leans in towards me and whispers, "if you get too scared Blondie we can leave."

"Pffft scary stories are my life Catra." I brush her off. "Plus, I don't get scared."

"Ooohhh is that a challenge?"

"Oh please." We both chuckle a little. I let out a small shiver as SeaHawk put more wood into the fire.

"You getting cold babe?" She grabs one of the beach towels and wraps it around me. "This should help." She scoots as close as she can and puts her arm around me. I instantly feel a fire build up inside me. It could be below freezing outside but she makes me burn up.

We all turn our attention to Lonnie as she starts telling her story. "This story is about a wolf girl. It says she roams this very beach at night."

"Seriously Lonnie. Wolf girl." Mermista said.

"Yes the wolf girl. It's said that on a night like tonight the water will fog over and start creeping onto the beach. The fog gets so dense that all who are in it instantly get lost. Fear sets in immediately and the only sounds you hear are the footsteps that seem to circle around you slowly getting closer until the sounds of huffing can be heard. Then, all goes silent. You think you're safe. When BAM!" We all jump at the sudden loudness of Lonnie's voice. "Out of nowhere she gets you bitting and ripping your flesh until she stops halfway mortified at attacking another innocent person. She wails and cries but of course she can't leave you live. So she finishes what she started and leaves your body at someone's front door to find."

"Seriously. That's it?" Catra said. "Lonnie that was terrible. You never even said why she's called wolf girl!"

"They call her that because all the bite marks on the victim are consistent with that of a wolf. Plus the only surviving victim says that she had glowing yellow eyes and turned into a wolf."

"Yeah Lonnie that was pretty bad. Even the fire thought it was bad." Mermista gestures towards the fire that is now dying out.

"Oh please! The fire was so scared it went out." Lonnie said defensively.

"Lonnie! I have some questions about that story." Entrapta started going off asking millions of questions and poking holes in her story.

"It's actually perfect timing. Time for us to get home anyways." Scorpia said looking at the time on her phone.

A/N happy Sunday everyone! Hope it was a great weekend for all. Enjoy your Monday

Bright Moon High: A Catradora love storyWhere stories live. Discover now