Truth or Dare lemon

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Your POV

“So what are we going to do now?” Ino said.

“What do you mean ‘what are we going to do now?’ ” Sakura asked.

“Well you head Lady Tsunade.” she respond. There's only limited tickets to the festival so one of us is going to be held back.

“We've all looked forward to it.” Tenten said.

And it was true. Tommorow was the grand opening of the festival we all wanted to go but the thing was only one ticket wasn't available so not all of us can go. Only 1 needs to be held back.

Shikamaru laid his hands on the floor. “There's only one way to settle this.”

“Ok what is it?” I asked.

“We're going to decide our fate on a game of Truth or Dare. Whoever doesn't do their dare just won't go. Here's the catch: You can't say truth more than once.”

Sakura rolled her eyes. “So your going to let our fate rest on a childish game?”

Shikamaru raised his eyebrow. “You got an even better idea, forehead?”

I sat down next to Shika.“Ok ok let's get this over with.”

30 minutes later

“Ok ok, everyone had a turn and did their dare....” Choji looked around the room. “Except for Y/N!”

“But I didn't get a dare.” That's true. When it was my turn I only picked truth.

“Well it's your turn again.” crazy hairline said. “This time you have to choose dare.”

Damn you Shikamaru. “Ok fine.”

“Truth or Dare, Y/N?”

“I mean it's not like I have a choice so I'm gonna go with dare.”

“I dare you to go see what Kakashi looks like under his mask.”

Wait what?! “I can't do that! He's already asleep and his doors already locked-”

“So find away to get in.” Ino said.

“C'mon don't be a coward Y/N” Neji taunted. “You want to go to the festival, don't you?”

“Oh I get it.” Temari teased. “Your scared of your Kakashi sensei, aren't you?”

“No it's not like that-”

“Y/N, if you don't wanna do it it's okay. You might as well stay behind cleaning the village while the rest of us go have fun.” Naruto said.

“Fine. I'll go do your stupid dare.” Damn everyone, making me go on a suicide mission just for a stupid festival. Is cleaning up the village really that bad?

Crazy hairline is at it again. “Oh and one more thing.” he threw a camera at me which I cought. “Take a picture of it too. You ain't slick.”

“Yeah, we all wanna see what's under that mask. ” Sakura added.

“Do I really have to......”

“Yes you do. Because if you don't come back here with the photo to prove that you did it the dare won't count.” Shika added.

As if breaking in his house wasn't bad enough. “But what if I get cought?”

“If you let yourself get cought by Kakashi then that's on you.” Tenten said.

Fuck my life


Outside. The whole village was already asleep. Well everyone but us.

Hidden Hot Girl Village {Naruto Characters x Fem! Reader}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя