Chapter 28 - Blurry

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"Then it shouldn't be a problem! If by the end you fancy him and he fancies you, the two of you can continue for real!" she proposes too excitedly but I shake my head.

"I don't know, Ariel. It feels... well, it feels dirty to start a relationship after something like this." I rub my temples because a headache is starting to grow. "How did we end up talking about a relationship? This escalated too quickly. I'm just getting confused, it's nothing really. I'll be done in four months and get over all this by then."

"Well, if that's what you want, then it's okay, it's your decision. But for the record, I think you're really good for him," she says with a warm smile before taking a sip of her coffee. "When I met Harry and Niall, both were so worried about Liam because it was like their best mate had disappeared. Now I know they feel relieved because he's acting more like himself. Niall says he needed someone stronger than him who could slap him and tell him what he was doing wrong and how he was hurting his loved ones. I don't know what happened when you two went to his hometown, but he's really changed after that. I don't interact much with him, only when the band comes to the label, but even I can tell. Plus, Harry and Niall have also mentioned it."

I smile at her words, happy that the disaster at the rehearse dinner party had some positive outcome. He talked and apologised to her sister, even if he already ruined things, but that's sorted out. He's also apparently waken up and even his friends feel relieved. Even us are getting along even better after that, despite how angry I was. Now, almost a month later, I can say I'm happy I gave him a second chance. He's kept his word.

Before I can tell what I think to Ariel, my phone goes off and when I see it's Liam I chuckle. "Speaking of the Devil," I tell Ariel showing her the screen of my mobile before I answer his call. "Hello?"

"Why hello there. How is the best girlfriend doing this fine evening?" he asks and I try to fight the smile for his cheesy tone.

"I'm quite well, thank you. I'm at your label with Ariel, in fact," I tell him and I can hear his astonished intake of air.

"Well that's a surprise, considering we're talking about I-don't-need-friends Belle," he mocks me and I fake laugh.

"People change," I mutter and notice the way Ariel is eyeing me with a very interested expression.

"They do indeed. Anyhow, tell Ariel that Harry doesn't stop listening to the demo she sent him and now we all know her song by heart. It's good, but I'm getting tired, you know?" he says and I laugh out loud.

"Well then, I'll tell her."

"Also, do you have plans for this weekend? Please tell me you're free," he asks next and I think about it.

"Besides some planning for the week, I have it free. Why? You're not coming, are you? You start the European leg this weekend," I say, confused as to why he would ask me this.

"Precisely. You always say you want to see the world and well, I miss you so would you like to visit me here in Paris this weekend? You take the train and you'll be here in no time. What do you say?"

I'm really surprised by his proposal but I'm more impressed by how excited and hopeful he sounds. "I don't know. Paris? I really don't like it, Liam. I have a bad history with everything that's French," I say, sounding very doubtful and whiny.

"Oh, please! It's so close and it's Paris. Please, Belle. I know you wouldn't let me fly you anywhere else. Come on. And when you get here you can tell me all about that bad history and rant and if you want to vandalise the city, I'll support you," he offers and that makes me laugh. "Please?"

I sigh, knowing it's true I wouldn't let him just fly me to another city, so Paris is actually a very reasonable option, and it's just the weekend. It's not like I'm going for a whole week or a month. Not the most ideal scenario, but it's good. And it's also true I want to see the world so why not starting with the last place I would go? Then it can only go upwards.

"Fine, Liam. I'll go see you this weekend," I concede.

"Yes!" he celebrates and I chuckle at his reaction and how excited he sounds. "It'll be great, Belle. I promise we'll visit at least one museum. You pick a stop and I pick the next. What do you think of that?"

"Sounds very sensible and fair. I like it."

"Cheers then. I gotta go now but I couldn't wait to tell you when I thought of it. I'll call you later to set all the details. Have fun with Ariel! I'll see you soon," he says at the end, the last sentence sounding softer.

"See you this weekend. Have a good last concert in the UK," I reply and then it's silence. I know he's still there, I can almost feel like he has something else to say but it's just his breathing.

"Thanks, Belle," he says and for some reason it feels like he doesn't mean it only for my good wishes for him and his band mates.

After that we hang up and I look at Ariel. "I'm going to see him this weekend to Paris," I tell her and she burst into giggles, which is quite adorable. I just chuckle and grab my cup to keep drinking my coffee.

Let's just hope this trip ends well.


Second, there's no goal this time because I'll be out for a couple of days so you should expect update, as usual, on Saturday.

Bel, xx

Brave Bold Belle (ft. Liam Payne)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon