Bloody Fingers

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Ann stared at Ren for many long seconds that altogether seemed like hours. She didn't dare speak. That look on his face- that insanity- she was afraid that if she did, her voice would come off as weak and not threatening.

"Hey! Let go of her!" Ryuji shouted from below, trying to pull himself up, but Ann and Ren were taking up the whole entry. "Don't even touch her, you... you..."

Ren looked a bit bored as he studied Ann. She stared back at him. Other than the golden eyes and the dark haze around him, Ren looked almost the same. He was in his Phantom Thief outfit, but his mask wasn't on his face.

"Ren let go of me," Ann managed to growl. "This isn't like you."

Ren looked a bit confused. "Ren? How do you...?"

He let go of Ann and she took a few deep breaths.

"I feel like I should know you..." Ren stated. "But... none of that. Why did you blast a hole in the wall?"

Dang it, we've been caught, Ann thought.

"Dude, it's storming outside! The lady at the front wouldn't let us in!" Ryuji climbed into the room. "We only wanted to stay in the lobby, but she said no!"

"You... only wanted to stay in... the lobby..."

"We were going to get tickets, but they were too expensive," Makoto stated, pulling Futaba up. "It's much too bad that we can't see your... uh... lovely show."

"You blew a hole in the wall..." Ren reminded them.

"Oh, yeah, sorry about-" Ryuji started.

Ren smacked his hand over Ryuji's mouth.

"Shh! Someone's watching."

Ryuji pulled Ren's hand off his face. "Uh, what?"

He then looked at the others as if to say, Yep, he's gone crazy.

"This way," Ren stated, pointing to the door. "We can talk in another room."

Ren led them out of the room and into the hallway. Ann walked next to Ryuji, quietly talking with him.

"He seems friendly enough," Ryuji pointed out.

"Yeah, but he said something about someone watching," Ann replied. "What do you think that means?"

"I haven't got a single clue," Ryuji sighed. "I've never had a tour inside of someone's palace by their shadow."

"It's a first for all of us," Ann breathed. "I just hope that we can find the treasure soon."

Ren led the Phantom Thieves up many flights of stairs before stopping at a door. He pulled out a key and unlocked the door. Gently, he swung it open. Ann peered into the room from the back of the group. All there was to see was thick darkness.

"Ugh, I forgot to install a light switch on this side of the room..." Ren muttered. "Well, after you guys. Try not to trip on anything. I'll find the light."

Haru went in first. She then started gagging.

"Ugh, all I can smell is *cough* smoke. What's even in here?"

"Oh, we had some trouble with the furnace," Ren stated. "We're going to get a new fireplace installed."

"Ah, I see..." Yusuke mumbled. "Sounds very relaxing."

Ren smiled softly. "Thank you."

Ann held her breath as she walked into the room. Ren followed in after her and shut the door, locking it.

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