Fending Off the Warden

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The Phantom Thieves rested in the safe room, none of them speaking. They were all lost in thought about what could possibly be happening to Sojiro.

“I doubt he’s come to any harm,” Haru breathed, breaking the silence.

“You never know,” Ryuji pointed out. “I think he hasn’t, but we can’t be sure.”

“Skull is right,” Yusuke agreed. “We should treat this as though he has been injured.”

“Are we all ready to go?” Ann asked, turning her attention to Futaba.

Futaba hugged her knees. She hadn’t spoken at all.


Everyone turned to face Morgana except Futaba.

“It might be easier the more people we have. I’m going to go check and see if Queen is able to come help us.”

“That’s a good idea, Mona,” Ann complimented. “Be quick.”

“I will,” Morgana stated. “You can count on me, as always.”

He jumped down from his chair and left the safe room. The Phantom Thieves waited silently.

A moment later, Haru questioned, “Oracle, are you alright?”

Futaba didn’t meet her gaze. “If it's physically, I guess. Mentally? Okay. Emotionally? I don’t know about that one.”

“It’s fine if you’re not okay,” Ann said. “Especially with what’s happening right now.”

“I’m just nervous,” Futaba sighed, shaking her head. “I’m just afraid of what that cognition will do.”

“Cognition?” Yusuke repeated. “Like in your palace?”

“Oh yeah, one of those things,” Ryuji exclaimed. “Are you talking about Akechi?”

“Yeah, that’s not the real one,” Futaba murmured. “Ren still feels somewhat guilty about what happened...”

The palace shook. The Phantom Thieves grabbed onto their tables and chairs until it stopped. The door swung open to reveal Morgana.

“Guys, something’s wrong,” Morgana cried.

“What is it, Mona?” Ryuji asked.

“The Metaverse... I don’t know why, but I can’t seem to get out.”

Ann pulled out her phone and looked at it.

“Yeah, the Nav doesn’t seem to be working...”

“Does that mean that we’re trapped here?” Haru inquired.

“That appears to be the case,” Yusuke muttered, crossing his arms.

“Wait, what if we’re stuck here forever?” Ryuji pointed out. “What if we end up stealing the treasure and there’s no way out of the Metaverse?”

“Maybe Lavenza feels that we need to stay in here for now?” Ann scratched her head. “I mean, she’s the one that gave us the Nav back, right? Wouldn’t she also be the one who’s in control of it?”

“But the Metaverse was supposed to have crumbled,” Yusuke indicated. “Perhaps she is forcing this to happen, putting strain on the Nav?”

“You could be right,” Haru joined in. “Maybe Lavenza is saving up for when we need to leave?”

“Whatever the case is, we should go find Sojiro,” Futaba breathed.


Of Phantoms and ThievesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon