Shadow Thieves

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As soon as Joker said that, a gunshot fired from behind the Phantom Thieves. They all turned to look and realized it was Ren behind the gun. He stood there, his legs shaking and his expression full of rage.

"Enough... That's enough out of you... You've caused far too much damage...!"

Joker gripped his shoulder in pain, glaring daggers at Ren.

"This isn't who Joker is!" Ren continued. "He helps the people, not harms them! He reforms society! It's time that you reformed yourself..."

"So I see this is my other half..." Joker muttered, shaking his head. "I was hoping to ignore you and pretend I don't know who you are. You wanted to be separate from the monster you created. Burn those dreams; we all know who the real perpetrator is."

"Don't listen to him, leader!" Yusuke advised. "He's attempting to invade your mind! Stand fast!"

Ren took a few steps back, appearing uncertain. The fallen angel in front of him stared expressionless, dark shadows streaking his face. He was in pain. Ren could see that. Was this the state of his heart? Was he lashing out simply due to a misunderstanding of how to deal with his pain? He needed help, so why was he running away?

Before he could answer that question himself, there was a pain in his head followed by a ringing in his ears. He collapsed to the floor from the force of the blow behind him, his mind spinning into a senseless haze. The desperate shouts were unintelligible as his head smacked the pavement, his vision dimming to black.

"Dang it!" Morgana cried, running over to Ren. "Where did that come from?! He's out cold!"

"The treasure is gone! What do you not understand?!" Joker screams. "If I am going down, you are coming down with me!!! THE PHANTOM THIEVES DIE TODAY!!!"

"Not if I have something to say about that!" a voice shouted.

The group of teens turned around to find Sae Niijima standing with the Shadow Phantom Thieves.

"Niijima?!" Ann exclaimed in surprise. "How did you get in here?!?"

"Makoto let me in here. There's no more time, this place is falling apart. While I would like some time to process everything that is happening around me, I understand that we need to get out of here."

"But what about Ren? He could die!"

"And I don't need all of you dying as well!"

The thieves stand there, all looking at one another.

"It will be okay..."

With tears in their eyes and a silent agreement, the Phantom Thieves grabbed Ren and ran together, leaping off the side of the building and opening up the MetaNav as they fell. The Shadow Phantom Thieves whipped around to fight the angel of death as they crumbled and ceased to exist. The palace was no more. The manifestation of Ren Amamiya's heart was gone.

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