Chapter 4: Watchers? What kind of name is that?

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*A Censored Curse warning*

"Hey Iskall, have you seen Grian?" Mumbo asked, "well no" Iskall replied "but the Sahara meeting was supposed to start like twenty minutes ago and it's not like G to be late." Iskall started to strap on his elytra as did Mumbo as they flew off to Grian's mansion. When they got there however they were less than pleased... "What The Heck!!!!" Mumbo and Iskall shouted in unison " How the F**** did bedrock get here and why is it just a 5 by 3 wall with a lectern placed inside of it" Iskall screamed, and the cursing didn't appeal to Mumbo in the slightest, "Hey Iskall do I need to get Joe in here, watch the cursing" Mumbo said, as sternly as he could, and walked towards the book on the lectern to read it and cleared his throat. "Dear Mumbo and Iskall, I know that I'm missing a very important meeting but... I have taken some through to visit some things I've completely forgotten about till recently, rest assured I will be back soon. sincerely your buddy G-man, p.s I think I might be onto something involving the unexpected guest, can you tell Ex-eye-Zoom-ma to look for the name "Watchers" thanks" ''Watchers? who the heck are they" Iskall said, however Mumbo was too deep to thought to hear him... The Watchers?! If Grian seriously thinks it's them then... don't tell me... "Grian..." "Huh? Mumbo? Are you ok?" Iskall asked, "Iskall I think Grian is trying to see if ### and ## can help." "wha-!".......

TO Be Continued....

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