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             Tyler was in his office thinking of Eva and her sudden behavior when Martha walked in an told him she's been sacked and she just found out her mother was in the hospital who got shot the previous night and had basically lost so much blood. Tyler leaped from where he sat with worry
               "Which hospital ?" He asked
                "The Micheals Hospital" Martha replied.
Tyler remembered when he was in Njala University in Sierra Leone when he was shot by some cultist on his elbow, the pain he went through was hell
                   "This is increduloussssss" he screamed. While leaving the office he saw Aurora smiling with "Ive heard what happened to her" expression.
                "I'm not an extrovert Tyler" she said and walked away.


            ***Eva was at the hospital on phone with the cops about an attempt birder when Tyler arrived. 
       "Hey Eva" he greeted
         "I'm very sorry for what happened to you" Tyler added.
         "Stop being devious Tyler, you caused all this shit" Eva said.
         "Don't you accuse me of something I know nothing of, I don't even know your family" Tyler said with anger
         "At least you happy it happened to me right, of course you are, you've always wanted to see me sad.
They started exchanging words, John told Tyler to leave that Eva doesn't want his commiseration, he left and felt bad. Back in his car, he thought of why Eva accused him for what has happened to her family. 
        "Why would she say that to me ??" He asked rhetorically and Eva's voice echoed saying
        "Give me back my kid sister Tyler"
What's really going on? He thought.

      Mrs Ayo called to tell Aurora her father's divorced and has gone back to the States, Aurora kept quiet for sometime on the phone and finally found her voice to say
      "Don't worry mom, just let go"

Mrs Hearts was badly injured thus getting her into coma, she has to be revived. Eva cried for her mother, Mercy and Bonnie... her family has fallen apart, she thought. She knew she was in danger as well. A man walked up to her and talked to her for a minute, before raised her face to see who's talking.
       "Hello, are you the daughter to Mrs Hearts?" The man asked.
      "No" she replied, she thought it was best for her
      "Who are you?" She asked looking at him frightened.
     "I'm the doctor" the doctor said firmly
      "Oh doctor, I'm sorry, I'm not thinking straight".
        "I'll go in wait for me" the doctor replied ignoring her apology.

     Minutes later, the doctor came out with an unknown expression, Eva asked about her mother's health, the doctor looked at her and left, stopped a distance far away from her and said
"Meet me in my office please"
Eva followed him to his office.
"She needs time, her chance of living is very slim, as human, I...." he paused
"Well, let's hope on God" He added.
Eva noticed the doctor's concern like he'd known her mother before.
"Please do your best doctor please" she cried out.
"Of course I'll" the doctor replied.

Tyler felt bad about the just happened incident with Eva.
"She hates me" He said
"And I hate you too" he added frowning
But he couldn't still understand why his security lied to his ex he wasn't around.
"Bullshit! You're so sacked man" he said pissed.

Eva's phone rang, she was surprised to see the caller's Bonnie, she rushed to pick it up.
"Eva help us, we're dying" Bonnie's soft voice came through
"Aaarrrrghhhh please" she cried out.
"Sister help me I'm dying" she heard Mercy's voice.
"Where are you?" Eva asked standing up.
"You'll pay for whatever comes of their life Eva, you'll be held responsible" a female voice said which was filled with wickedness and vengeance. She hung up, Eva tried to call back but it was connecting anymore. She broke down and cried in the hospital, John wasn't with her, no body was, she wished John was there to comfort her, she turned to see the doctor staring at her with so much concern and left immediately he realized she's noticed him.

Tyler took a week off from work and left to New Jersey, Chicago, while he was there he had hallucinations that he couldn't understand anymore.
"So you thought you could dump me right" Olivia asked but he couldn't say anything because he knew he was just hallucinating. It got to a point he couldn't take it anymore.
"Look Olivia, I ain't ready for this, you left without a reason so don't put a goddamn blame on me okay??" Tyler said.
"You left for Eva" She replied.
"Leave me alone Olivia pleaseeeeee" he screamed but had no idea he just did. He heard a knock on the door and went to get it, he saw two white ladiesstanding in front of him.
"Hello sir, what's wrong? We heard you screamed when we were passing to ourroom, you okay?" One of the Lady asked.
Oh I screamed, he thought, well they'll now think I'm mentally deranged Or possessed.
"I'm fine" he answered
They looked at him with awe and left.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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