Meme 180

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(Hey yall, two things I just want to address quickly:
So we're coming to the end of this book, as Wattpad only let's you update to 200 chapters. I've really liked making these books, making people laugh and overall just having a good time, so question is to you guys, do you want a part 2, or do you want a meme book about another genre of movies/books (for example, Star Wars, musicals, lord of the rings etc) I just need to know as soon as possible what the majority is as we have 20 days until this book finishes, and I like to have prep in advance!

So number two: I'm really sorry for my lack of updates recently. Three weeks ago, I went back to school and started year 12/first year sixth form. To any non-British people reading, sixth form is a 2 year academic course you take between high school and university. We study three-five subjects in extreme depth, then we sit the exams next May, and these grades go towards what university we get in to. Some actually say that A-Levels are harder than a degree.
I've taken English Language, History, Psychology, and English literature, all very wordy subjects, so I get very tired very quickly. I just wanted to let you guys know that if I'm missing for a few days it's probably because I'm absolutely up to my neck in work, and I just ask for your patience 😊
- Bea 🧡)

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