After a few minutes of heavy silence Namjoon replied;

"Honestly? Easiest thing you can do is talk to Jeonguk, find out what he's okay with, and if you don't agree, try to compromise. You're in a relationship now but that doesn't mean you have to disregard your friends and your feelings."

Taehyung shook his head, bangs shifting in front of his view. He closed his eyes. "But I'm afraid Jeonguk won't be okay with Hobi."

"Tae, you never will know if you don't ask. I'll bet you'd be pleasantly surprised. And may I ask that when you do talk to him, let me know how it goes?," Namjoon reassured "Plus, realistically, it is understandable if Jeonguk wouldn't feel okay with it." He added. 

Taehyung worried his lip, 'it was understandable but...but what?'

"Well. Thank you hyung." 

"Mhm, let me know how it goes." Namjoon said, fondness evident in his voice.

"Yea, bye now hyung. I have another person to talk to." Taehyung finished off, getting off the (uncomfortable) bench.

"Kaykay Tae, talk to you later." Namjoon said and ended the call.

Taehyung heaved a sigh, nervousness finding it's way back into his body, which was temporarily gone during the conversation with Namjoon. While he wasn't looking forward to talking to Jeonguk (which was a first), he knew he needed to just get it over with.

After all, no better time then the present.

So, he made his merry way to Jeonguk's place.


There he stood, in front of Jeonguk's door. Anxiety at an all time high, he shook his head in an effort to clear his mind, and forced himself to knock. 

*tap tap tap*

After what seemed like an eternity, Jeonguk finally opened the door, there he was, in all his handsomeness. Taehyung couldn't help the small smile that crept up onto his face.


"Hi, princess." Jeonguk lips quirked up, moving to the side so he could come in. Oh--that was new, not that he minded.

He shuffled in, and as he heard the front door softly close, he took a deep breath.

"So,-"  "I-" Both of them spoke at the same time, they looked at each other in surprise, both chuckling.

"Cuties first." Jeonguk smiled as he motioned him to sit on the couch.

"Smooth." Taehyung shook his head, while he sat down, Jeonguk made his way to the tiny apartment kitchen, "For you, always. Do you want something to drink?" 

Taehyung hummed. "Water is good." 

He faintly heard Jeonguk say something along the lines of 'yes princess' but he wasn't sure. Must be the wind, he told himself, blushing --completely ignoring the fact that the windows were closed.

After a few more minutes Jeonguk came back with their drinks, banana milk for himself and water him. 

"So, I uh, I'm not sure where to start..." Taehyung said as Jeonguk made himself comfortable next him, after setting the glasses down.

"The beginning?" 

"Right, yea."

Jeonguk quirked his eyebrow, questioningly, seemingly waiting for him to carry on.

" were right about Hobi." He finally spoke.

"Ah," Jeonguk looked at him, eyes peering at him for him to continue. "And I wanted to talk about, but I'm worried about how you'll react." 


"What do I do now? In terms of his feelings for me." Taehyung finally properly looked at Jeonguk for the first time of the night. 

"I'm not sure I understand?" Jeonguk shook his head. "Can I be friends with Hobi now?"

"Tae...are you asking me if you're allowed to be friends with Hobi?" 

"Well, yes? No? I'm not sure." 

"Tae, I don't think that's up to me, I can give you my opinion and suggestions but," Jeonguk tilted his head.

"I, so what are your suggestions and opinions?" Tae asked.

"I'll be honest, I wouldn't be too happy with you still being all buddy-buddy with Hoseok. But I also know that's not easy to ask of you," Jeonguk sighed, frowning. "It would make me feel uncomfortable and on-edge whenever you'd be hanging out with him, whether alone or not."

Taehyung grabbed his water, gulped down half of it, throat suddenly dry, and set it back before he replied. "I can't imagine what that would feel like, I don't like feeling like I have to choose between two important people in my life, but I'm willing to figure out a way to make this work for the sake of our well - new relationship."

Jeonguk nodded. "That seems reasonable, yea. So what do you suggest?"

"Maybe, I'll take a break from hanging out with Hobi? And focus on us for a while, I dunno maybe even set him up with someone..." Taehyung mumbled the last bit, feeling stupid by even thinking that.

Jeonguk hummed. "I'd appreciate that, the first part not the last, let Jimin do that or something." He snickered. 

Taehyung giggled. "Sure." 

Tae wasn't sure why he was feeling nervous to begin with, Namjoon was right, he was pleasantly surprised. He sure had a reasonable person for a boyfriend. He smiled to himself, finding out more and more about a person was the fun part of a relationship.

"With that aside for right now...wanna sleepover? I'm feeling like some cuddles." Jeonguk pouted, finishing his banana milk, which he had just swallowed in one go. 

Taehyung grinned. "Yes, please."

So I deleted and reuploaded this chapter solely because it wouldn't show up in the correct order, so many readers would read 056 before 055. Which obviously is not the point. So hopefully this helps any confusion (if there was any).

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