Chapter two-I meet with the Gang

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Noah's POV

I entered the building looking everywhere in the awe.The interior decoration were so beautiful. I made my way to the left in search of my department. From the corner of my eyes,I could see two boys and one girl arround my age stating at me.I backed my eyes on my way giving them nothing reaction. Out of nowwhere they circled around me.

-What happened? (I stuttered)

-Nothing special.
Said a boy with hazzel eyes.

-You're new student, right?
Said a brown eyes girl.

-yeah,,I said.

-You entered in our area.Now you are in our custody.
Said that hazzal eyes boy.

-Your area?.What rubbish You're saying.Leave my space. I've classes.

-yeah.we also have classes.You're new guest. How could we leave without give you a greeting.

-what greeting?

-Sid,You knew all right?
She said that hazzel eyes boy.

He said that brown eyes girl.

They grabbed my bag from my hand.I was protecting but I can't handle.Sid took my bag and turned it upside down and poured my all things.

-Hey,,My bag(I shouted)

He took my bag and threw it in a nearby dustbin and I was Standing there making a mixed face.

Said sid
They hi fived..

-What you did that?

-Oh,stop..Here no one ask us What we did.Leave from that place..
Said sid.

-Not even, the main of here?said I

-No,,Wait wait.Are you threating us?Said Sid.

-Don't you dare.You have to suffer the dead consequences. 'Said Hermony.

-Time will say.

They leave that place by giving a emotionless reaction.I looked at the ground.All my books,pens and other metarials fell in the ground.But,the most important thing,My glasses.I have myopia and my glasses are broken.Now,my day will be really so miserable..I brang lot of books today .Almost every.Because I didn't get the routine till now.I sit on the ground folding my Keene.

-Now,How'll I take all that books alone?My first day spoilt like that way.Unknown tears come into my eyes.

-I can help you.

I looked back following the sound.

-Let me help you.'said a brown hair boy.

-Who are you?

-I am one of that gang members.John.

-No need then.They spoilt my whole day.My glasses,,I Don't even wear contact lens today.

-I'm not that type.I don't know How I reached in them.You can call me big brother. I'm in 3rd year .Elder than you.Let me help you.

He picked up some books.Not some almost.

-Now,Come with me.Said John.

Hello my dear readers.I hope you will like that part. Please be with me and support me like that way.
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465 Words

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