The Holy Swords

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Meanwhile, it was in fact because Y/n had no current methods to draw in the final act of season 2 to approach even quicker

All he could was rest and research, so he took a day off and planned to enjoy it with Ophis but of course that was ruined...

"So, you guys want anything to drink? Tea?" At his words, Akeno's eyes briefly lit up before she politely smiled and nodded

"I think that would be wonderful, here let me help you" Akeno said with a small bow, she went towards Y/n as he showed her the kitchen. The onyx hair female completely aware of the glares of the other females

The rest of Rias' peerage could only sit down and wait for the tea, the ever growing anxiety slowly building up as they saw the most seductive member of the peerage go into another room with the male they all desired, alone

It was a wonder how the only two male members could bare with all the pressure

Meanwhile, Issei had regrettably decided to give up on these girls and search for others to become his harem

He was not stupid, he knew at this point there was no other way so he decided to search for other girls but kept noted to keep Y/n and his charms away from them

So in the meantime, he decided to develop their relationship of one of coldness and indifference to at least a level of friendliness

Meanwhile, Y/n and Akeno had prepared tea while surprisingly nothing had happened between the two

It was because during the entire time Akeno actually felt nervousness, her heart could only palpitate as her curiosity stirred

What kind of like could a teen who could single handily beat Riser and even kill him have?

How and why can he use his sacred gear so smoothly? What happened to his parents?

The latter subject was something that no one brought up because of Asia's helpful note that throughout the time she was there, no parental figure appeared

"Ya know, if you have something to ask, just do so" Y/n said with a humorous low chuckle as Akeno a bit surprised before nodding, she opened her mouth before closing, only to open it once more

" was your life like before you came to Kuoh?" Y/n's movements paused, his hands on the tray that held the tea. A frown appearing on his face

"It was... good, really good to be honest. You can even say I had a silver spoon in my mouth but I was lonely... no friends, I was used all the time, I wasn't exactly the popular one in school which only drove me further down..." Y/n spoke with a somber tone as Akeno was a bit joyous and shocked

Joyous because Y/n actually opened up to her, but shocked that the number one student in Kuoh academy wasn't exactly popular in the past

"You can imagine how I felt when I even lost all that... but eventually, I met someone" his tone perked up, a soft genuine smile appearing on his face

Akeno revealed another surprised look, her curiosity asking her to ask him about the person

"She really helped me fight the demons I had with me, you can say she's the reason why I'm standing where I am right now" he spoke with warmth as she nodded, feeling that she couldn't pry too into it despite her curiosity

"Anyways, let's go" Y/n snapped out of it and spoke with a smile as he grabbed the tray and went to the living room


Y/n sat alone in the living room, after talking and surprisingly being nice to Issei, they had left after they noticed it was already time for their work to begin

Like every protagonist {DxD X Male Reader}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat