Chapter One

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“Oh dear god” I heard my sister slightly gasp as she entered the room, where I was currently having my hair done. “I can’t believe my little sister is such a princess now” She murmured as she softly patted my bare shoulder, like she was about to cry. “She’s going to have her happy ever after today”

Despite the heaviness of the long fake eyelashes attached at my already long lashes, I still managed to roll my eyes at her. I wasn’t a princess and my prince isn’t in a shining armor and he doesn’t own a kingdom or some sort. But today made me realize a couple of things;

One, I wasn’t a princess, although I look like one right now thanks to Lou Teasdale.

Two, my prince charming doesn’t wear shining armor. Instead, he has a deep liking to blazers and bowties. He also doesn’t own or reign a kingdom, instead he sings for the whole world and he owns the biggest and most valuable treasure; my heart.

And three, whoever said that only princesses and princes had happy endings must be really, really lonely and somewhere he or she might still be looking for his or her royal partner so he or she could finally have his or her happy ending.

Looking at my reflection at the mirror, I sighed and ran my hand through my white gown. It was beautiful and it was definitely designed by some famous designer. I’m not sure whether it was Dior or something. I don’t even care if Mark Zuckerburg designed it. All I could think about right now was how my palms were sweating badly and my heart was tugging out of my chest.

Today is the day I will no longer be known as Joanna Flynn Fisher. I would then be Mrs. Joanna Flynn Styles. Mrs. Styles. It was the name any girl in the world would kill for. But starting today, it will be mine. I wouldn’t be surprised if you knew who my husband-to-be is. I mean, who doesn’t know him?

“Are you nervous?” Mattie, my two years older sister, asked as she fixed the already neatly placed flower behind my left ear. I glanced up to Lou, who was silently fixing my hair with a small smile on her face.

“Yea” My voice quivered, causing Lou to crack a snicker. I smiled at her as I shook my head “Okay, maybe a little”

“Don’t be” Mattie smiled at me whole heartedly “I’m sure it’s going to be the best day of your life”

It’s kinda weird getting married earlier than my older sister and it’s even weirder to get married at nieteen. Seems only yesterday when I was carelessly strolling along the sandbanks of Byron Bay where I met a topless Harry Styles. I silently thanked God and all angels for bringing me here and the four hour drive was definitely worth it.

“Hello” was the very first thing he said. It was the typical start of conversation word, nothing cheesy. I gave him a small smile and when he smiled back, he captured my heart. But when he offered me a single piece of white calla lily, which I still don’t know where he got from, I fell in love.

Reaching over the counter filled with boxes and bags of different make up which had the same colors, I grabbed the neatly tied bundle of calla lilies tied with a piece of white cloth. I wrapped both of my hands around the stalks, trying to calm and stop them from shaking.

“Are there a lot of people?” I asked Mattie as I bit my lower lip, causing my perfect lipstick to stick on my teeth. Thankfully, Lou was busy tieying my hair so she didn’t notice.

“There are about fifty” My heart sank at her response. I was hoping it would just be my family and his family, but of couse, unlike me, Harry wasn’t selfish. He wanted a lot of people to join us and witness our special day. “I think I spotted Ed by the entrance. He looks good”

Who would’ve thought my twenty two year old sister, who runs her own bakeshop, would be crushing on Ed Sheeran. Yup, neither did I. But they became close, thanks to harry, but remained friends, since my sister already has a boyfriend, Chace.

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