Chapter 2 - Team 7

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"I'm Uzumaki Naruto! I love ramen and especially the ramen from Ichi Ramen! What I don't like is how long it takes to cook it! And my dream is to be the greatest Hokage ever! That way, people would have no choice but to acknowledge me!" Naruto introduced himself.

"I'm Harumo Sakura. What I like - I mean what I love is – I mean the person I – and my dream is–" Sakura introduces herself, then starts fantasizing and screaming.

"Okay, and what you don't like?" Their Sensei ask her.

"Naruto! And (y/n) if she gets in my way!" She answers.

"My name is Uchiha Sasuke. I don't like anything, nor do I dislike anything. My goal is to kill the person who murdered my clan and avenge them. Then, repopulate my clan." Sasuke said in a serious tone. Making the air silent.

'Lies, you like tomatoes and hate sweets.' (y/n) thought to herself.

"Okay, how about you?" Kakashi said, looking at (y/n).

For a moment, (y/n) was close to taking off hood. Then, she changed her mind instantly and began to speak. "(l/n) (y/n). I don't care what I like, but I don't like meat and all of you. I don't have any dreams or goals."

"Now, that's a bit harsh. Considering since I just met you and you already don't like me. I can let it go, but not the dream part. At least make one up for now until you have one." Kakashi sensei said to the now annoyed (y/n).

"Fine, my dream is to smile. Not by force from a tickle or laughing from a lame joke. An actual real one where I can really feel what happiness is." (y/n) said that came right out of her head.

'A real smile, huh? I guess it can work.' Kakashi thought to himself.

Next Day – (Y/N)'s point of view

The test went on for hours. We have to take three bells from Kakashi Sensei before time is up. Naruto was the first to go, which was interesting to watch. Then Sakura, sadly, dropped dead in seconds. Then it is now Sasuke's turn. I hidden throughout the whole test, just waiting for the right time to attack. Naruto's battle gave me the idea to use my Water Shizengan to get the bells. I sneak out of the trees to run to the lake quickly in order to get enough water in my pouch Momo gave me, so I have water with me. For attack reasons rather than to stay hydrated.

I run off to where I can guess where Kakashi Sensei and Sasuke's battle is. Once I found them, I took the chance to start my plan now before I'm noticed. I active my Water Shizengan and start bending the water from my pouch. I look to where Kakashi sensei is and focus on only his moments. I spot the bells, then make the water thin and long enough to reach almost like a rope. Once Kakashi Sensei is just stood there looking at the ground. I shoot my water carefully, snatch the bell. That's when I came out of the shadows.

Third Person Point of View

Kakashi Sensei noticed one out of three of the bells are missing. He turned around to see (y/n), who has the bell in her hands. Sasuke is in the ground, starting to feel annoyed and rage of how easy it is for her.

"Well, aren't you the sneaky one," Kakashi Sensei said to the girl.

'Damn it! How did she – wait... She used me as a distraction, so she can take the bell without him noticing her.'  Sasuke thought as he figured out her plan.

(y/n) walks past her sensei, then stops at her former friend. Literally looking down at him, she begins to speak. "You know, I'm starting to see why the girls see you cute. You look very adorable down there." She said without any emotion, which made the Uchiha boy angry, and then she walked off.

End of test part one – (Y/N) point of view

"You all failed." Kakashi said to all of us with disappointment. Leaving us all in shock. "Sakura! You were only concerned with Sasuke, and you didn't even know where he was. You didn't care for Naruto was right in front of your eyes. Naruto! You ran solo! Sasuke! You labeled the other three as hindrances and acted on your own! (Y/n)! You have a good plan for only to win for yourself and not the others! Not to mention letting Sasuke be as bait without his knowledge!" Missions are carried out in squads! Teamwork!"

Mintues Later

Sasuke, Sakura, and I shared our foods with Naruto, who is tied up, "You all passed!" Kakashi Sensei said, smiling through his mask.

'The heck!?!?!' I thought to herself.

Another few minutes later

I walk home from my test, but not before I buy some stuff for my first mission, such as a first aid kit. I won't get any serious missions yet, but in case I do, I should be prepared for it. Once I bought one, I walked out of the store and started heading home. Until I hear a dog growling at me from behind. I turned quickly before I could run and see it's, of course, the mutt's mutt. Then see Kiba, Shino, and Hinata walking out from another store next door.

"Man, that owner is a lame for not wanting Akamaru in– Huh? Fur ball?" Kiba said, now noticing me. He didn't bother to pick up his dog or stop him from growling at me. "What brings you here? Don't tell me you're looking for a new career after giving up being a ninja." He laughs at the thought of it.

"Actually, I was buying a first aid kit for mission reasons," I said to him.

"What?! You actually pass? Isn't your sensei Hatake Kakashi! He never passes any of his students!" he said in shock.

"I guess my team is lucky," I said to anger him more.

"Congratulations (y/n)-chan," Hinata said to me.

"Thank you, Hinata."

Hinata is from the Hyuga Clan. I talked to her a few times during our times at the academy, but I don't consider anyone as my friend. However, I guess she does.

"Whatever, we got our mission tomorrow, so your team better not get in our way, fur ball." Kiba said to be the bigger man.

"Fine, as long as you keep the mutt away from me."

"Akamaru is not a mutt!!!" he shouts at me.

"I was talking to Shino and Hinata to keep you away from me," I said, now turning around to go home.

Kiba's point of view

I smack my mouth after she left. Her just talking makes me hate her more. I don't know why I even bother to still talk to her. I thought I won't have to see her again. Yesterday, when her sensei was late, I thought for sure she wasn't going to pass and have to go back to the academy. I guess the dumb fur ball is sneakier than I thought. Whatever, though, if she goes to the Chunin Exams, it would be a more interesting fight.

I pick up Akamaru and put him back in my jacket when Shino starts to speak, "You know, there were rumors about you both liking each other."

"What?! Who started that!?" I question him.

"I don't remember exactly, but from what I just saw, it's a complicated cat and dog type of love-"

"Shut up, man! There's no way she and I like each other!" I shouts at him.

"I guess you're right. Besides, others said she's better with Sasuke."

'Huh...' A cold shiver hit me, and my heart dropped. I turn to Hinata, "Is that right, Hinata?" I ask her.

"W-W-Well, they were friends... but not anymore... I don't know about her liking him." she answers.

"She is the only girl who doesn't react like all the other girls did, so it could be false as well. Or maybe he likes her and she doesn't know it." Shino continues to speak, which makes me want to choke him.

'There's no way (y/n) and Sasuke would ever date... Wait! Why do I care!?!' I thought to myself. 'Why do I even care if she's another fan girl for Uchiha?'

My Long Journey as a Shinobi (and to his heart) -  Kiba x Reader Naruto FFOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz