Side Story 4

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[Kim Jinsoo]

After all that has occurred, time managed to fly by fairly quickly. Both Sangwoo and I established that we were to live in Gangnam and find work here. However, with the wedding just around the corner, I managed to find a spot in the school of Fine Arts near our home as a professor.

"C'mon, you don't need to work. We can just stay at home and relax!" Sangwoo would say as I got ready to head out.

"You know very well it means to me that we should equally split house payments and bills. Plus, It's an art school! I'm literally an artist."

Sangwoo thinned his lips and looked way as I knotted my shoes.

"I don't get to spend that much time with you," He admits, embarrassed.

I roll my eyes and stand, facing him. "I'll only be gone for about six hours. You can come eat lunch with me if you want."

I dusted off my sweater and readjusted my glasses. "How do I look?"

Sangwoo pouts doesn't reply, just staring.


Suddenly he lunges forward, embracing me with his arms. We stood there for a solid thirty second before he said anything.

"Be careful."

I scoff and put my hands on his face, staring at his eyes. "Don't worry about me." He was hunched over to match my height. I ruffled his bed hair and gave him a generous kiss, taking off right after to the door.

"Bye Sangwoo!" I opened the door and walked out, feeling his eyes linger on the back of me head. Instinctively, I turned, seeing how Sangwoo was now peeping through a gap in the door watching me walk away.

I stop and realized the resemblance to a puppy watching his owner leave him behind.

"Bye!" He hollered and shut the door, obviously upset.

I sigh and begin making my way to the school, which was located closely. Oddly convenient. I walked around the crowded street filled with many people who were dressed for the new autumn season.

I took in a breath of the misty air and sighed while looking into the sky.

"This is it," I murmured, "The start of a new life."

The bell was about to ring and students began to flood the classrooms. The scene reminded me a lot of high school whenever I was early to class waiting for the bell to ring only to realize that class doesn't even being for another hour.

Then it did, the bell rung and students were in their seats, chatting amongst themselves. There seemed to be people who were familiar with one another and people who were just new. This lightened my heart.

After about five minutes, another bell rang, indicating that class has indeed begun. This is a good time to point out that I have critiqued my social skills over the years and have probably mastered the art of introductions. However, I was usually talking to millionaires, not students.

They managed to hush themselves down and awaited my introduction.

"Hello every--"

"Aren't you that one famous artist Kim Jinsoo?" A student asks from the middle of the class.

Surprised, I felt my throat tighten, preventing me from letting out any noise.

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