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Is lying worth it?

Maybe in an instance, you need to lie to protect those you love.

But, wouldn't the thought of not being honest hurt those who you consider loved ones?

No. Impossible...



[Kim Jinsoo]

I opened my door and quickly placed my groceries on the counter. The incident at the store was just splendid in terms of adrenaline for the day, really just slicing up my heart. It was a surprise to say the least, knowing now I have admirers like that.

I shake my head and began to unload the bags, putting the items in their respected places. I didn't get much obviously, only have two bags full of things like vegetables and meat. I wasn't able to buy everything I needed, but the amount I have will suffice I suppose.

I glanced at the clock. 12:36.

Only an hour has lasted by since Sangwoo left, yet it felt like hours. The day was long already; I could feel it.

I didn't have much planned but to paint a mural for another client. I do recall being told to paint a portrait for a company holder two days ago. They seemed to be in desperate need of it, so I suppose I should begin working on it.

When I asked what he wanted in particular, he told me that he wanted his daughter within the painting. It was for her wedding if I recall.

I smiled and went to fetch one of my larger canvases from my collection. The folder that the man told me to retrieve contained a photo of his daughter and some requirements.

I picked up the photo and examined it closely. Something about the woman seemed so familiar.

I shrugged it off and scanned the requirements.

"Must be altered in a way at which my daughter looks like a goddess," I read aloud. "But, surprise me. As her father, I will be giving her this as a wedding gift. I'll pay extra if she enjoys it."

After reading more about what the man wanted, I began on a sketch for the facial structure and body posture. Somehow, a warm feeling started to arise in my heart.

I let out a slight chuckle, "I wonder who's she getting married to."


[Oh Sangwoo]

"Oh Sangwoo!"

I gave the man a very fake but convincing smile.

"Your father has told me wonders about you. To add to this amazing investment, you are also the perfect match for my lustrous daughter."

I let out an awkward laugh. "I do-"

"He's so excited to marry me daddy," Ji-Jae says, cutting me off. "After all, we met in high school."

Her father gave me a smile. "Joining companies will be a great idea. Since you two already know and love each other the transaction will be easy!"

I shake my head, "the wedding isn't going to happen. I won't be here in Korea when the time comes."

The man chuckles, "both me and your dad talked it out, so now we have a whole month! However, next week will be the gathering party so we will be celebrating then. I scheduled a honeymoon for the both of you the week after that."

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