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The countdown.

Seven days til I depart back to America.

How will I tell him?


[Kim Jinsoo]

Sangwoo invited me to lunch with Jae-Beom earlier this morning. I obviously unoccupied for the day obliged with gratitude.

"Thanks for treating me really," I said examining the overly fancied utensils. "I'll help pay."

Sangwo shakes his hand, like he was halting. "No, it's a treat. Consider it a date with an extra person."

Jae glared at Sangwoo and picked up a menu. "I've never really been to this restaurant in particular. The food looks so unprofessional."

Sangwoo rolls his eyes. "Like you know anything professional."

Jae took the insult into offense and gave Sangwoo a good middle finger, to which Sangwoo repacked back with. I let out a slight laugh and decided to examine the menu myself.

"Uwa, the prices are..."

"Don't worry about them. Just pick whatever, I'm paying," Sangwoo says taking a sip of his water.

"Are you paying for me too?" Jae asks. Sangwoo scoffed and let out a snort, "as if, pay for yourself fucker."

Jae rolls his eyes and went back to looking at the menu. I glanced furthermore into the dishes and noticed some foreign delicacies. Interested, I asked Sangwoo if he thought the dish I picked out was good.

"That's from America. It's not bad I'd say, but from your prospective it might just be too fattening."

Puzzled, I took his advice and went back to searching for a dish.

After a few more moments of hesitation, the waitress comes up to us. "How may I assist you guys this afternoon?"

Jae asks for Scalloped Sashimi with Meyer Lemon Confit, which in my opinion sounded fairly overdone with such a long title. Sangwoo asks for Island Duck with Mulberry Mustard. This leaves me to order my food.

"O-oh um," I found something that resembles some alteration of lasagna. "Pasta with Lamb Ragù."

I do hope that I said 'ragù' correctly. The waitress smiles and writes down my order. "I'll be back with your orders as soon as possible."

Sangwoo glances at his smart watch and then looks up at Jae, who also seems to notice Sangwoo odd anticipation. Suddenly, Jae gets up. "I'll be using the restroom, if my food comes while I'm gone don't let Sangwoo touch it." He walks away and turns to the right towards the restroom doors.

I turn back and see Sangwoo with his elbows on the table, fuddling with his thumbs. I felt a sudden awkward fall on us as time progresses.

"Hey Jin?"

I snap out of my daydreaming and look at Sangwoo. "Y-yes?"

He takes in a sigh and curses under his breath, glancing around as if someone were to be watching him.

"How much longer are we going to stay this way?" He asks, looking down at me with a different expression from what I usually see from him.

"What?" I ask, set off from his sudden question.

He sighs and shakes his head. "Never mind, we'll talk about it when the time comes."

I tilted my head. "W-wait what were you trying to say?"

"It's nothing, okay? It's not important right now," he says, obviously ticked off from something. I decided not to push against it and just sit there awaiting my meal.

Jae returns back shortly after and noticed the tense atmosphere between us. He takes his seat an souls out his phone, immediately starting to type. After tapping on last time, he glanced at Sangwoo who glanced at a notification on his watch.

He then pulls out his phone to reply back to who I'm assuming is Jae. The interaction bugged me slightly, knowing that they were obviously talking about me.

I didn't want to engage and wanted until the waitress came back with our food.


Later that evening we parted ways, not really addressing the problem Sangwoo and I were facing. To be completely honest, I had no idea what was happening in the beginning.

I made my way to my apartment when I ran into Byungwoo taking out his trash.

"Oh hey Jin. Haven't talked to you in awhile," he says, placing the black bag on the ground. "How are you?"

I shrugged, "I'm fine, just go back from lunch with Sangwoo and a friend."

Byungwoo lets out a sigh, "ahh, Sangwoo. How you guys holding up?"

I blink. "We're fine, why?"

He shrugs, "just asking."

I walked past him and opened my door, "well it was nice to talk to you. I'll take my leave."

He said bye back and continued down the hallway. I sighed and walked into my apartment.


[Oh Sangwoo]

"You fucking idiot!"

I grimaced at Jae's shout.

"Do you honestly know what you've just done!? He's going to think you're hiding something from him and then think you're cheating on him an—"

"Shut up."

He glares at me and plopped down on the chair. "What are you going to do? What happened to 'I'll tell him tomorrow?'"

I rubbed my hair out of frustration. "Stop pressuring me. I wasn't expecting to get this far anyway."

He gawked his mouth open. "Are you having doubts?"

I shook my head. "No no, it's just... I didn't expect him to forgive me so quickly. All I've done is be a jerk to him and here I am, being yet again a jerk. Not to mention the fact that we have five years worth of lost history between us."

Jae sighs and rubs his face. "You're hopeless. If you're not going to tell him, I'll tell him."

I shoot out from my seat. "That is not an option and you know it."

"What else are you going to do? Just leave like you did the first time?"

I rubbed my temples. "For the hundredth time, I didn't leave, I was forced to."

Sighing defeatedly, Jae went over to grab his coat. "I'm going back to my place. In the mean time think of something that will be an excuse to why you're leaving."

He opens the door and leaves.

I fell back in my bed and rubbed my face. Not only am I put in a terrible situation, but I have to balance the work life too! Why can't I just live with Jin in an isolated area with no other human being to distract us?

My phone started to buzz fro my counter. I got up and examined the screen. Then my heart dropped.

'In coming call from: Dad'



Sorry for the short update guys! I actually wrote this in advance but due to my constant studying for the bug tests I am participating in, I won't be able to post such as long chapters.

I feel like doing some sort of special next chapter as a filler, knowing this book has almost come to its conclusion. Unlike the artist, the book in my opinion was rushed, but it's too late now to change it!


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