Searching for Neverland Part 1

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December 22,2006

I got out of the private jet with my dad and siblings, we recently moved out of Neverland are searching for a new home. Us kids all had scarves to cover our faces with, as we quickly got in the car.

We're currently in Las Vegas, Nevada. Daddy said we had to stay here for a bit because of his work. I could tell that there was something else bothering him, but decided not to bring it up.

We have arrived at the house well more like mansion, that we're staying at. Once the car parked and the doors opened we all ran in excitedly up the stairs.

John then came in the room informing us that the bodyguards are currently down stairs. "Ohh, John can I meet them?" Dad asked before he could leave the room. "Sure let me go inform them, while you get ready." he said, heading down stairs.

"Alright, you kids stay here until I say you can come out." We all just nodded, as we watch him go down the stairs, waiting for our que. Well we tried to wait, but got too over excited that we all just ran out the room.

"Daddy!! Daddy!!" we all kept repeating as we walked down the stairs, I was with Paris on the right side while Prince and Blanket were on the other. "Hey! Hey! Hey!" he said as he pulled us over to him. "Wait wait wait!!" He said as we kept talking over each other. "Blanket, Blanket!" he called for Blanket as he was running out the room. "What?" Blanket asked as he looked back at us. "Come back." dad said waving him over.

" Everybody, say hello to Bill." he pointed to a guy with a black suit on with a smile on his face. "Hi, Bill." we said together, waving. "Hi." he said looking back at us, waving a bit. "Bill's our new head of security." My dad said, Bill looked confused and surprised he look back at John and back at dad.

" You will stay the night, right?" My dad said/ asked while putting hand on Bill's shoulder. "Uhh" Dad giggled a bit taking his hand off Bill's shoulder. "Yes sir!" Bill said more confidently. "Of course"

" Ok, kids come on!" he said as we tried to get attention. He looked back at Bill for a moment. " Alright, lets go!" giggling at our antics. "Daddy!" I said raising my arms, wanting get picked up. When I got picked up saw Bill looking at us, I waved smiling as we head out the room.

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