Chapter 18

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I pull Katelyn close. My eyes glowing. Defense magic has always been a strong suit of mine. I believed that magic shaped itself as a person grows. My magic came up as defense over the years. I haven't had to use it in a while. But I still knew how to. And I could if I needed to. Eliza looked panicked. "Wait (Y/-." "Get the hell out," I spat. "(Y/n)! I can explain! Please just let me!" I let go of Katelyn and step closer. My magic drawing close to me. "I'm not saying it again," I spat. "(Y/n) listen! It's about Gretel!" Her name made me falter. And suddenly an ache spilled all over my body. Like I have just taken a beating and the aftermath of the pain is starting to come. "She's after you! I don't know what she wants! I tried to get it out of her, but I couldn't! I promise I'm telling the truth," Eliza says. And those tears fill her eyes. I knew Eliza. I knew my little sister like I knew Katelyn. And she only cries when she's desperate and at the very bottom. When she's backed into a corner. I feel the magic leave me. Watching as I see my other sister in her. Kendall. My sister by choice. They were alike in so many ways. It was uncanny. "(Y/n)." I turn my head. Looking at Katelyn. Who comes forward and taking my hand.
(Y/n)'s hand didn't tremble. She nodded as she was putting pieces together in her mind. "Eliza close the door. Katelyn you might want to take a seat. You're shaking," (Y/n) says. And that's when I realized I was. I was shaking badly. I sit as (Y/n) says. And she closes the blinds. "(Y/n)." (Y/n) motions for Eliza to sit also. But I don't want her sitting by me. I don't care what's going on. Though I don't make a fuss. I just tuck my shaking hands between my thighs. "Does Gretel know about Emersyn," I ask? Looking at Eliza. That's what I really needed to know. My baby comes before everything. Eliza slowly nods. "She knows (Y/n) has a daughter. But has no intention of using her. Or even going after her. Unless it's necessary," Eliza answers. (Y/n) looks up then. "What have you told her Eliza? How long have you've been keeping watch? And don't pretend you weren't," (Y/n) says quickly. Her eyes were still glowing. And just like I suspected, (Y/n) didn't trust Eliza still. Though I wouldn't either. Eliza has done some shady shit to her. Had caused things to repeat. "I told her you've been hanging around Katelyn. Though I didn't know it was Katelyn until recently. That's all really. I've only been watching you for three weeks," Eliza says. (Y/n) nods. I watch as her fingers drum on the desk.
I check my watch. "Katelyn, it's about time to go get Emersyn. Can you go grab her? Please," I ask? Katelyn looks up at me. "Hell no! I'm not leaving you with her!" "Blue, please," I say softly. Katelyn stands up and comes closer. "No. I can't just leave you here with her. We don't know if this isn't a trap. I can't— Emersyn can't lose you." I let out an airy laugh. Moving to go in front of her. "Don't worry, Blue. Nothing will happen. I'm sure of it," I promise. Tucking a stray lock of hair from her face. Katelyn sighs. Placing a hand over my heart. "Fine. Come right over when you're done with this. You have the spare key." I nod. Smiling gratefully at her. Katelyn sighs and moves her hand. She turns away. But her head turns towards me. Blue hair whipping over her face. "If she tries anything, blow her dead babe," Katelyn says coldly. She cast a hard glance at Eliza. Before walking out. I lean against my desk. Watching the door close. I look at my watch. Deciding how much time I have. Then I lean over and pick up my phone. Calling down to Daniella. "Ms. (Y/l/n)? Do you require anything," she asks? "Yes actually. Can you make sure no one comes up to my office for at least an hour? I have important business to handle," I say lightly. Keeping my voice smooth and joyful. Like it really wasn't that important of a deal. "Of course Ms (Y/l/n)." "Thank you, Daniella." I end the call and then turn to Eliza.
I pick up Emersyn. Signing her out for the day. The other mothers chattered around me. Though I didn't care to listen to them. I just wanted to get home and wait for (Y/n) to come back. To discuss what happened. To discuss what we're going to do with Eliza. "Katelyn, why didn't you tell us Emersyn's mother was great at watching kids?" I jump slightly. Being lost in my thoughts. I give an apologetic smile. "Oh. I never thought to mention it. She was really just doing me a favor that night," I say quickly. Grabbing Emersyn's bag. "She's a miracle worker. Sarah couldn't stop talking about her," one says. I laugh. "I'll be sure to tell her that." And then I wave goodbye and go. Because I didn't want to stay there anymore. I just wanted to be home in my house right now. Though just my luck. The girls were waiting for me. Oh my, Irene!!!! "Katelyn!" I smile at them. "Aunty," Emersyn cheered. Squirming in my arms. I let her down. Grabbing our stuff.
I look up at (Y/n). She was gathering her stuff so she could go. After our long talk. "What am I supposed to do," I ask? (Y/n) looks at me. Her eyes never have stopped glowing since I've been here. "You go back and pretend things are normal. You work for her. And you don't fucking get caught. You keep doing you Eliza," (Y/n) says. I gawk at her. "That's it? It's fucking Gretel we're talking about!" "That's why you're going to do nothing. You're going to keep doing shit like normal. We both are. And every now and then, you'll drop a clue. You'll drop a message. Understand," (Y/n) asks bitterly? She looked like mom then. Looked like Gretel. I bow my head and nod. "Yes. I understand," I say.

Double upload today. So ???? is Eliza. Just if that isn't clear. And also, I'm a big Hamilton fan. So Eliza was taken there. And she's going to look how Philippa Soo played her.

Eliza (Y/l/n)Age: 20 Your biological sister

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Eliza (Y/l/n)
Age: 20
Your biological sister. Was working for Gretel but now she's working with (Y/n).

Another one😏

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