Chapter 7

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I sit down on my bed. My body was exhausted. And it was hard to try and do things around the house. Thank Irene, (Y/n) was here to help out. A knock was heard on the door. "Come in," I call out. (Y/n) peeked her head into the room. "I'm heading out right now. Do you need anything before I go," she asks? I shake my head. Tucking a piece of hair behind my head. (Y/n) stood in the doorway. "What's wrong, Katelyn?" I sigh, shaking my head. "It's nothing, (Y/n). You should get going. It's getting dark out," I say. Standing. Though that hurt a lot. I sit back down. Sighing softly. (Y/n) closed the door behind her. Crossing her arms. "Really? Because you look like you're about to break down." I roll my eyes. I hated how she could read me. "(Y/n), I said it was nothing." "Katelyn, nothing for you always mean something," (Y/n) points out. I sigh softly. "Fine. If you really want to know. Everyone expects me to be this tough person. But I'm not. It's taking forever to heal. And my dad is just saying that I'll be fine by the next day. And that we don't let a little bit of pain stop us. But everything hurts. And it feels like everything is crumbling down. And I'm trying to hold everything up for Emersyn. But I'm only one person. I can only take so much," I complained. Tears pour down my face. I let everything come out. (Y/n) comes closer to me. She kneels and makes me look at her. "You're human Katelyn. It's fine to hurt like this," she whispers. The tears come faster. "I'm supposed to be tough and not crack under pressure though. I'm not supposed to break like this," I argued. (Y/n) wiped my cheek before placing a hand down on my cheek. "Blue listen to me. We all get bad days. We all get hurt. And everything is going to get better. But you have to take the time to heal yourself. You can't help anyone if you aren't healed fully," (Y/n) says softly. My heart fluttered at my old nickname. I look at her with teary eyes. "Really? I'm not weak because I'm hurt right now? It's not my fault," I asked? (Y/n) shakes her head. "No, Blue. You aren't weak right now. And the crash wasn't your fault. It was the drunk driver's fault," (Y/n) says. Her voice now holding a serious tone. I lean forward then. Our lips met gently. (Y/n)'s hand ran into my hair. Pulling me closer gently. It felt like our kisses from before. The ones that made butterflies fill my stomach. My heart starts beating. The warmth was in my chest. I move closer to her. My eyes slipping close. Everything just felt so right kissing her again. I missed the warmth that came with it. The love that she brought with her. (Y/n) was a lot of things. Reckless, rebellious, prideful, stubborn. But she was also loving. And one of the very few people that I loved for so long.
Katelyn and I pull away from each other. Our eyes meet. She was red. Blushing just like she did when we were back in high school. I let a smirk come on my face. "You still blush after our kisses? How many times have we've done this already," I ask? Katelyn shoved me with her good arm. I laugh. Smiling at her. Katelyn turned even redder. "I don't know why I did that. I um..." I shrug. Brushing her hair back. "It isn't weird if you don't make it weird," I say. Katelyn smiles softly. I change my position and sit on the floor. I lean my head on my palm. "You still use that line. It's so outdated," she teases. I smile. Looking at the beautiful girl in front of me. "Oh really? It worked on you," I comment. Katelyn laughed. "Oh, my Irene. I forgot what it felt like to be like this with you," Katelyn says. I smile. Running my hands through my (h/c) hair. "I know right. I fucking miss this. I miss you, Kate," I whisper. Katelyn gave a shy smile as she tucks her hair under her ear. It was so cute. "I miss you too (Y/n/n). I miss the good days between us," she whispers. I look at the girl. The air filling with tension. I sigh softly. "You know we don't have to be like that. We can be friendly with each other. Other than what we've been doing," I say softly. Katelyn looks at me. "I don't know (Y/n)... we left shit so rocky before," Katelyn says. I sigh softly. "Yeah, we did. And I'm sorry about that. But I hate this. I don't want to feel tense around you. I want to be able to hold a conversation with you," I say. Her eyes sparkle with hope. "You do? I'm not the only one," she asks? I nod my head. Katelyn smiles. A beautiful smile that brightens up her whole face in a bright beautiful light. I smile to myself. I made her smile like that again. I made that bright beautiful smile come out. Oh my, Irene. I have tons of money. And tons of shit. But nothing is better than making Katelyn happy. I smile at her. "It's good to see you smiling, Blue," I whisper. Katelyn blushes. "You're so fucking cheesy," she laughs. I look at her with a smirk. "Oh really? So why are you blushing then," I teased? Katelyn turned her head. But I caught the pout on her lips. The ones that made me fall for whatever she said. "Shut up," she mutters. I laugh at her. "Don't be mad." Katelyn rolled her eyes. But I see the corners of her mouth tilt up. "Whatever (Y/n/n). You're just as cheesy as before." I shrug. "Some things don't change," I say. Katelyn smiles at me. "Yeah. Some things just don't."

Another one😏

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