You held your hand over your mouth as you found the stairs and started climbing them. You ran to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. You filled the glass as full as you could. What you didn't hear was the front door opening and the sound of the door shutting. Malcolm had just arrived back to the house from the flower shop.

He took his shoes off and put some slippers on. We walked further in to the house and saw you in the kitchen. He was happy to see you, but he could tell something was wrong. Your skin was pale and you were sweating. He watched as you filled a glass and you started chugging the glass really fast.

Once glass didn't feel like it was enough because you could still feel the heat in your throat. You filled the glass up again and started chugging the next cup. 

   " Woah, woah! Slow down. "

Malcolm held the glass and slowly pulled it down from your lips so he wouldn't pill it on you. He set the glass down and grabbed a towel. He started wiping your face from the sweat that was forming on your forehead. He couldn't feel a temperature but your skin looked really pale and your skin was sweating mounds. He set the towel aside and held your arms gently.

   " What happened? You look really sick but I don't feel a temperature. "

   " I-I was..."

   ' I can't tell him about the shrine. I don't want him to hurt me for just looking around. Because even if I tell him that he said I could roam around he will still hit me. '

   " Flower? "

   ' The book is down there too outside of the box it was in. '

   " Flower? You're worrying me. "

   ' I don't have time to go down there and put it back because he's here now. The book is still downstairs with the flashlight on beside it. How do I explain that to him? '

   " Y/n? "

You felt your chin being raised and your eyes met the worried green eyes of Malcolm. Ever since Malcolm took you he only called you nicknames. He never called you by your name. 

   " W-What? "

   " What happened while I was gone? "

   " I-I was just..."

   ' Let's tell half the truth. '

   " I was looking around when I found the door to the basement. "

His eyes were still worried but he was now worried about you seeing his shrine in the corner of the basement. 

   " I found a crate full of books so I settled down there and started reading a book. I took a break and stood up but when I did I felt really sick. I ran upstairs so I could get some water because my throat felt hot and dry. "

   " You were just reading? "

   " Yeah, there was a book down there called The Thirtieth Day. I was reading it. It's still on the floor downstairs. "

   " I believe you, you don't need to explain. Let's just get you upstairs. You need to get a bath and then change into some cool clothes and get in the bed. You look as pale as chalk. "

He put his arm around your shoulder and started leading you upstairs. You felt relieved that he believed you. He walked into the bathroom with you and started running the warm water into the tub. He filled the tub with rose petals and a lot of bubbles. He lit some candles as well to help get your sinuses cleared.

   " So just get in the warm water and relax. I've lit some candles to help your sinuses clear and relax your mind. Tell me once you're in the bath and I'll come in and help you wash your hair. "

   " No! It's okay, I can wash my hair. "

   " Don't worry I won't do anything, Y/n. I want to take care of you. I won't be able to see anything else either because of all the bubbles and soaps filling the bathtub. "

   " Malcolm-"

   " Y/n, please I'm worried about you. You're as pale as chalk and you're sweating multitudes. I'm just going to wash your hair and then I'll be out of the way and you can relax in the water and change on your own. I promise I won't do anything inappropriate or touch you in anyway you don't like but please let me take care of you. "

   ' As long as he thinks I'm really sick then he won't hurt me or touch me inappropriately. He won't force me to do anything either. Let's just play along. '

   " Y/n? "

You shook your head and looked back at Malcolm.

   " You're also zoning out a lot and it's hard to grab your attention. You need to get in the bath to relax and then laid down. Please just let me wash your hair and clean your face. "

   " F-Fine. "

   " Alright, I'll leave you in private to strip and get in the water. Yell for me when You're done. "

You nodded your head and watched as he left the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. 

My Flower ( Yandere Male x Female Reader )Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu