Just as Expected

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Atreo's POV

She's just like I thought she would be. Beautiful. Strong. I dismiss the guards holding her and stand to walk around her. She levels her shoulders and holds a pose to be respected. Good. First sign she will make a good strong queen.
"What is your name, my beautiful mortal?"
"As far as I am concerned you kidnapped me and don't deserve to know my name. Your....warriors..took me during feeding time for my pet!"
"You are not a prisoner here my dearest. You are allowed to roam where you wish in my castle and castle grounds. I don't care if you wander the realms of this plane although I'd prefer you stay out of the other kingdoms. I am not your prison warden. Now please bless me with your name. Surely it's as beautiful as you are."
She looks around and a flash of unsureness lights her eyes for but a single second.
"My name is Josie."
Her stance returns as I continue my circling. The dragon inside growls in content. It makes me happy to know that she won't be in harms way around him. But...that flash in her eyes tells me something else. She just lied to me. I end my inspection of her and go back to my seat. I motion for "Josie" to take the seat next to me. I'll let her play her little game to see if she reveals her name. She stands straight and doesn't move.
"If you won't sit with me at least relax, my queen. I wish to get to know you. I am not here to hurt you or keep you prisoner, my dear."
"Why do you call me your queen? I don't even know who you are and I doubt you know anything about me! Who even are you? Why did you take me from my home?"
"I am the king of all in this plane. My soldiers have brought you to my realm. Here...dragons of all variety and species run freely. Dragons, wyvrns and the like live and thrive here. As well as shifters like myself and my guards. I am Atreo. And this is my castle I hope you find a room suitable here and when you find the right room in our wing here then we will retrieve your previous belongings. Although...royals here wear...different attire...I believe we can find a suitable wardrobe to your liking based off what comes when we gather your belongings. We can arrange the rooms any way you want here to fit your taste."
She looks at me like I had bugs crawling down my arms and chest. I stand again and offer her my hand. She slowly takes it and I gently lead her to the window to view the courtyard. Small dragons and other creatures scurry and flutter across the gray cobblestones, some leaning on the fountain in the center for a drink. She shakes her head a bit and looks at me.
"Have I made a believer out of you, my beauty?" I ask softly.
"That doesn't mean you can just take me from my home!" She crosses her arms and turns around. Such fire. She will make the perfect queen for my realm. The others will follow her well.
"As I may have said already, my love. We will gather your personal belongings as you find a room in our wing of the castle. And anything you want but can't bring I will have made for you to replace. You'll soon come to call this castle your home." I smile softly. She sighs and rushes out of the throne room and my smile fades. I hope she adjusts well here.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2020 ⏰

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