A Dream

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Atreo sits up suddenly awake after a vivid dream. Dancing with a beautiful young woman. He can still feel the soreness in his feet from the constant dancing. Feel the music still ringing in his ears, and can still hear her sweet voice as she laughs over a missed step. The Pendragon ruler stays still to steady his heart and takes the time to commit her image to memory, hoping he will find her one day. After getting dressed and sliding his crown of guilded scales on his silken black hair he calls for the painter of his land to come and paint the girl he dreamt of. He closes his eyes as he describes this girl to the artist some hours after waking up.

"She has such brown eyes that look nothing like ours. Rounder. And brown like melted chocolate. Her hair...down to her shoulders. And....colored red like beets or blood. Wild as fire yet so tame. In my dream her head came up to my chin but I'd assume that she was wearing heeled shoes to add some height. She had painted her face to perfection. Red on her eyes with the outlines similar to our wings. Hauntingly beautiful." Atreo looks up at the artist when he finishes his desription and hopes for the right image. When the artist finishes he turns the page around to reveal an almost exact match to the scene in his dreams he pulled the description from.
"How is this, my king? Is it as you described?" The humble painter asks.
"Yes. A perfect drawing. Thank you," the king says, bowing his head in thanks to the painter.
"If it isn't to bold to ask....why did you have me draw this person for you? Is she supposed to be special?" Politely asked out of curiosity.
"No. You have no need to know. It is my own to know and you will find out as the rest of those in my land will when I have her!" The king states, almost angrily. The artist boss respectfully and asks if he can return home. The king nods dismissively and gazes at the drawing of the one woman he wants as his Queen.

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