A Dragon's Temptress

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Lorelei sits and feeds a few chunks of fruit to her pet as she listens to her music. The whispy smoke from her bundle of herbs floats loftily above her head and gives her a spiritual lift. The smoke makes barely recognizable shapes as she looks at it, knowing it must be something fun or important. Her little bat chirps and flutters his wings a bit for attention.
"Oh hush my pet. There's no need to beg or whine." She says affectionately. Suddenly several large men burst into her apartment and take her by the arms. She screams as they carry her out the door. One of the men tightly ties a scarf across her mouth as a gag to keep her screams muted. She fights and struggles against the men until she realizes that the hallways outside her apartment no longer looks the way she saw it that very morning. It now looks like a castle hallway. Regal, scary. Gothic. She looks around at the decor and sighs a bit. The man on her left smirks slightly thinking she has lost all her fight. But he's wrong as she suddenly struggles against their grasp again trying to escape them. She swings wildly as best as she can to try to find flesh to strike. Anything to make these strangers release her or at least tell her why they snatched her from the comfort of her own home.
"Stop struggling, your majesty. King Atreo will not like it if we have to damage his queen just to present her."
She stops and looks at the man who spoke. Queen? She wasn't a queen. Never has been. She didn't understand what this muscular man meant but she got this feeling that she would soon find out.

"Easy with her, men. I don't want her thinking I'm a vile beast." A strong voice speaks and she tries to look around. The two men,she now suspected were guards of some sort, had carried her into some sort of throne room. She struggles again,wrestling against their hold, when the man carrying her on the right removes the scarf. She screams a strong of cusses in anger at having just been pulled out her home by strangers.
"What a fire this one has. I love it. She definitely has spirit, your majesty." One of the guards say.
"Just as I expected and dreamed. Thank you Sirus and Airen. You can just leave her here with me and return to your posts. I hope you havent cause my queen any harm or trauma. That would be....regrettable." His voice drops dangerously, even Lorelei tries to bow in respect as the guards release her and leave.
"Who are you and why was I taken from my home? Where am I? Why did those two call me Queen? I'm not a queen." she spits out all the questions towards the man the guards called king Atreo.
"I am King Atreo of the Pendragon family line. And you were brought here because you are to be my queen till the end of my reign and life."
His words shock her and she falls to the floor. Her life has just been yanked out from under her and the strange handsome man is playing jokes. She laughs a bit, leaving confusion in the dark rulers eyes.
"Why do you laugh? This is not some joke or game. I had a dream that would lead you to be the ruler by my side of my realm." He states.

Just a little note. I wanted to put these last chapters in an external POV as a way to describe what is happening in the beginning for these two and how they met. The rest of the chapters will be in personal povs.

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