Then there was his mom. She was sitting on the ground against the wall. "Percy." She said softly.

"Get back from her!" Percy said holding up the dagger he was still holding. He pointed it at the woman was kneeling next to her. A man stepped in front of her.

"Percy, it's okay. They are friends." Sally said softly gesturing to the strangers. They took a step aside and let Percy through. He kneels down and hugged his mom tightly. He hissed at the pain of the stab wound.

"You're hurt.." A man behind Percy said.

"I'll be fine. Mom, are you okay? Where is Paul? What happened? Who was that woman?" Percy asked looking at her pale face.

"Percy, don't worry. It's okay." She took a deep breath. With the help of Percy and the woman she got up. Percy looked down at his shirt and it was red with his blood. Sally looked at it with pain in her eyes.
"Paul is still sleeping in the bedroom. Percy.. let's take care of that first. And we need to talk.."

A couple minutes later Percy and Sally were sitting alone at the dining table. Percy had some nectar and started to feel better.

The three others were sitting in the living room quietly talking together.

"Percy.. I don't know how to tell you.." Sally said softly looking at her fidgeting hands.

Percy placed his own in hers. He looked at his mom. "Mom, don't worry. Just tell me." He said with an reassuring smile.

Sally took a deep breath. "It's about my side of the family. About my father." Percy looks at her confused. "I.. I haven't been honest with you." She looked at her son. "Percy, I am a witch." She said.

Percy didn't say anything for a couple of seconds
"A what?" He asked to see if he heard it right.

"I am a witch.. your grandfather and grandmother were as well. As are the people in the living room and those who attacked me earlier." She explained.

"I don't think I follow.." Percy confessed looking confused at his mother.

"Okay. So basically, just like your world, there is another one. Filled with witches and wizards."
Percy nodded slowly. "Those people are capable of doing magic. Your grandparents are from this world." She explained.

"Okay.. Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Percy asked.

"Because.. Because I hate the fact I am part of it." She whispered closing her eyes. "I hated my father. I never wanted to be a witch."

"I know how you feel." Percy said with a small smile.

"Besides, you already had enough to deal with. And.. Your grandfather. He is an evil man Percy. Probably the darkest wizard of all time.." Sally said whispering. She glanced at the people in the living room. "Percy, nobody knows he is my father. If they knew..." She said shaking her head.

"So my other grandfather is also super evil?" Percy said throwing his hands up. "Seriously? Again?"

Sally gave him a small smile.
"Percy. He sent his followers to come after me. They found out I have a son. They will come after you." She said, her voice was filled with worry.

"Mom. I'm still a little lost. What did he do that makes him so evil?" Percy asked hoping to understand what was going on.

"He has murdered, tortured, hurt people that weren't purebloods. He ripped families appart. He started a war that costed so many innocent lives." Sally said bitterly.


"Sometimes, people born from families without magic history get the opportunity to learn and study at Hogwarts, which is a school for magic. They become wizards or witches. He hates those people. He thinks wizards are superior to mortals. Or muggles in their language." She explained. Percy nodded.
"I honestly thought he died. So did everybody else. But he is back."

"Yay.." Percy said sarcastically. "So what now? Who are they?" Percy gestured to the three strangers.

"They are old friends. They are a resistance against him." She explained. "Come, I'll introduce you."
They walk over and sit across from them on the couch.

"Percy, this is Remus Lupin, Bill Weasly and Nymphadora Tonks." She said with a smile.
"Everyone, this is my son, Percy Jackson."

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