Chapter 18 || Invite

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"I-" Jimin begun but couldn't continue as I was in no way about to stop here. We closed our eyes and..

My phone buzzes aggressively as the very familiar sound of my alarm wakes me up. While still half asleep I sit up, turning off the annoying alarm. Only seconds after I get the chance of remembering the dream which accompanied me throughout the sleep. Instantly I could feel my cheeks heat up from embarrassment. What kind of dream is that? Of course I knew a day where I kiss Jimin will come, its all part of the game but, for some reason the reality of doing it and dreaming of it is more personal? I can't describe it..

I shake off this feeling and get up. I can't let this get to me, after all today I'm going to Jimins and I'll be staying there for a while as his aunt suggested. She was so kind to offer me to stay a week before Christmas and for New Years as well after hearing from Jimin that I'll be alone. Of course I couldn't decline as this is a golden opportunity to get Jimin closer to fall for me. I already packed myself last night so I don't have to worry about that today, especially since I have a quite busy day. I'm working two shifts and after that I'm going to Jimins.

I just hope that none of them realise I'm actually living alone..

It wouldn't be ideal, they'd probabbly try and get involved or maybe the exact opposite. I'd rather not have that happen, I'm much more happy the way things are. Without wasting much time, I got ready for work by taking a shower and getting dressed before grabbing the most important things plus the bag with clothes I prepared for staying over at Jimin's. After making sure I had everything I left my house, locking it behind me and going off to work.

At the café, as per usual it was quite busy so I barely got any time to breathe. Thankfully my co-workers were there to help me out as much as they could and the same goes for me. For the last half of my workshift I was assigned to work by the counter which meant smiling even if someone was cursing me for no good reason. Thankfully I managed to finish early so unlike my coworkers, I was saved from having to hear about how 'my coffee doesn't have enough milk' from those entitled customers and I left the small café heading straight to Jimins house.

I couldn't help but feel excited at the thought of staying at someone else's house as even though I have Taehyung and Hoseok, I've declined them so much that at this point they've stopped even asking if I want to hang out. I did feel bad about it all the time but I couldn't help it as I always had to work. This time it's different, this time I've been invited for Christmas and it was Jimin. I don't know what's so special about that or why am I so happy to go there but I just figured it's because I won't have to be alone this year.

As I walked through Jimin's neighbourhood I once again took note of the fact that Jimin has a way better lifestyle than me. I mean, he even lives in a family home and those houses sure do look quite expensive. Even though a part of me wished I'd live in a house like that, I knew that it might never happen if my life continues the way it is.

Standing in front of Jimin's house I pressed the doorbell, anticipating for someone to open the door to soon be met with an unfamiliar woman who I assumed was Jimin's aunt. She smiled at me and I smiled back as she welcomed me in, saying how happy she is that Jimin made a friend. Is this something out of the ordinary for Jimin? Doesn't everyone have at least one friend? Doesn't he at least have an Internet friend? If not.. then why? Has it got something to do with that nightmare he had?

Just as the woman was talking (and I was taking off my shoes and coat) I heared small footsteps coming from upstairs. Naturally drawn to the sound I looked up to be met with Jimin who was wearing an oversized, striped, turtleneck sweater as the sleeves were covering his hands and a pair of black jeans. "Hey" I greeted him with a smile to which he replied with the same word and a faint smile.

Fortuitous Feelings || Jikook Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt