"Okay Man! Have fun ", he winked at me and walked out. Ouch! I'm so hungry I grabbed my tummy, just then I realized he could see my action from under the table I instantly removed my handAnd bowed again. He smiled.

Tony's P. O. V

Just looking at this girl is making my day. I swear she is indeed beautiful but clumsy too. I think she's hungry. Is she shy to talk? I took the menu and gave her one I opened mine but my attention was on her cute pink attractive lips Which she moved without saying any actual word. She just kept quiet scratching her hair and opened her mouth wide and covering it with her hand towel I wonder what's wrong with her. I looked down at the menu and the lowest price for any food there was 150, 000. I smiled. Is that why she's acting up. I tried talking but finally she spoke up 

"But" she scratched her hair.

" Are these foods imported? How can people extort money from innocent citizens, 150, 000 what!!!!"

 "Well don't mind them that's just the price ", I said She moved her cute lips again without saying any word. Why does she mumble words to her lips. My heart just told me she was going to shout but before I could talk She already looked around the restaurant and then turned to me

 "But, Who is in charge of this place anyway?"Just then the manager noticed her and walked down. I guess she felt Clara wasn't relaxed Clara turned to her

 "Hey, are you the owner of this bank?" She shouted 

"Uhhm how can we help?" The manager asked 

"As a good citizen I can't ignore this, my mother cooks at home and...... I instantly covered Clara's sharp mouth with my hands

 "I am sorry she meant to say that her mother cooks at home but no food tastes like yours", I replied the manager The manager smiled. Clara tried shouting but I still held her mouth. She tried biting my hands. Not until the manager left, that when I removed my hands 

"Arrrgh she has luck", Clara replied as she folded her legs to the chair And started moving her lips again What kind of girl is this? I asked myself.

Clara's P. O. V

I am actually talking to myself but Diana already complained that my lips move when I do that so I am learning to control it I raised my face up and looked at him. He placed the menu on the table. 

"Clara I am the one paying" he said calmly. Don't you like anything? 

"Well", am allergic to expensive food, I replied.

 "I heard you like chicken ", he asked He collected my menu from me and ticked it with the pen. He wanted to give it to the waiter when I took it from him and what!!! 160. 000 for fried chicken and salad. I placed my hands on my heart 

"Clara are you okay? ", he asked

 "No! Ever since I entered here chicken is not my best food anymore. Please let's just go, i said

"But we just got here and you are obviously starving " he said How did he know I'm starving, well i better eat this

 "How can you use my salary for 7 months to eat one food" I asked him and he chuckled while handing the menu to the waiter.

Anastasia's P.. O. V