Chapter 14 - Black Blood

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Edison was somehow shocked that this particular policeman knew him. Had he seen him before?

"H-how did you know my name? Have we met before?

He tried to maintain a calm expression despite being worried and anxious meeting this person. He was not sure how the policeman would respond when he would tell him about a missing person. Hopefully, he would not suspect him, then put him in jail. If it was going to happen, it would be too troublesome.

Zhao Li An was quick to reply. "I was partially involved with your case when you were investigated."

Remembering being taken to the police station, Edison somehow felt embarrassed that he faced down slightly. "Ah, I see."

"So, what brings you here? Curfew is about to be implemented. Is there something wrong?" Zhao Li An asked as he changed the topic.

Edison looked at Zhao Li An and quickly glanced at the person next to him. Was he a policeman too?

"Um well, it's about the missing child that the two of you are looking for. I know where he is."

Jack raised his eyebrows slightly. In a penetrative and questioning gaze, he asked "Where is he? How did you find him?"

Edison felt uncomfortable by such a gaze.

"He can communicate with plants," Zhao Li An explained.

Jack examined Edison from head to toe. "I see," he nodded.

Edison expressed an awkward smile. "T-that's right."

"Please tell us. Where could we find Axel?" Zhao Li An asked with a hopeful tone.

"According to the plants, Axel is currently in the City Forest Park. Umm...well...," Edison said with slight confusion.

"What is it?" Jack asked with a frown.

Edison felt threatened when he looked at the little policeman's partner. He replied, "Well, I was also told that there were two men following the kid."

Pausing for a moment, he gulped. "The thing is that when the three met, the plants could only sense Axel walking deeper in the forest area of the park alone."

Zhao Li An became nervous, "Wh-what do you mean by this?"

Edison looked down, "I'm not quite sure. The plants couldn't see, so they couldn't confirm what happened exactly. The only thing they know for sure that the kid was the only one walking after."

Both Zhao Li An and Jack looked at one another. Then the little policeman said, "We have to go to him and make sure that he's okay. Edison, could you help us find him?"

Edison was stunned for a moment, but he immediately nodded. "Of course. The City Forest Park should be nearby. Follow me and I'll guide you to him."

Soon, three people began running. When they arrived at the entrance of the park, they felt the eerie atmosphere. Although it was a place for families to come and spend time together happily in the morning, the atmosphere when night falls gave the park a different feeling for its visitors. It was much more frightening since it had little to no street lights. Some of them did not even work. It was much more silent compared to the bustling activities that it would have in the morning. One could only hear the chilling whispers of the wind.

Edison was not afraid as he went inside the park first. He considered this place as his own safe haven, since it was covered with mostly trees and other greeneries.

Approaching the nearest tree, he put his right hand on the trunk then closed his eyes.

The other two followed behind him and silently observed.

Being Lucky Can Be A Curse (Jack x Zhao Li An)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant