Chapter 11 - New Rivalry?

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"Ohoh. I see," the bald leader said as he adjusted his black tank top.

Seeing that Zhao Li An was not going to back down, the bald man thought that it would be amusing to teach this squirt a lesson.

"Alright, little squirt. If you insist." He put his hands behind him and leisurely walked in the middle of the arena.

"How about this. I won't use my ability against you. You can use yours, whatever ability you have," he arrogantly announced.

Zhao Li An stood in front of the bald leader and said, "I don't have an ability."

Everyone was stunned all of a sudden. Was he joking? It must be a joke. If what he was saying was the truth, then why would he fight someone with an actual ability? Also, why would he be part of the Supernatural Investigation Department if he did not have an ability?

There were a lot of questions in everyone's mind as they chattered amongst themselves.

"Wouldn't he just lose to that captain gorilla, King Han, then?" One of the bystanders said to a friend next to him.

"I feel bad for him," his friend shook his head.

"Even if Captain King Kong of the Special Ops is not going to use his ability, he's still quite strong. I don't think that young cop would be able to do anything. He should've just let it go and ate his pride. Now, he's going to be humiliated.'"

Everyone felt the same way. Despite having a poor opinion on the Special Ops captain and his unit, they knew how powerful he was. Although they admire the kid for trying to defend his friends, he was an idiot. An adorable idiot for some.

Back in the arena, King Han scoffed. "You're quite bold then, little squirt. Even without an ability, you're still willing to fight me."

In a boxing stance, the bald leader confidently said, "I'll make this quick for ya."

Zhao Li An did not reply as he slightly raised his arms in an attacking position.

Everyone became quiet.

When the duel started, King Han was the first to attack. He moved forward and did a forward punch directed to his opponent's face. To his sudden surprise, his opponent seemed to have vanished in front of him. He then noticed that Zhao Li An was behind him. Before he could turn around, the sound of a loud slap was heard in the entire training room.


King Han was slapped heavily on the head. Within seconds, that spot on his bald head would have a red mark with an outline of his opponent's hand.

The audience became speechless as their jaws dropped. They did not expect it. Soon, when they regained their senses, some of them started snickering. The gorilla captain was slapped on the head by the young cop!

Touching the back of his shiny bald head, King Han became infuriated. How dare he humiliate him!

King Han's subordinates could not let their captain be a laughing stock of the police department. They encouraged him. "Captain! Go get him!"

King Han turned around and barraged Zhao Li An with powerful punches. With every punch that King Han would do, Zhao Li An would be able to evade them. He would again swiftly go behind King Han and slapped the same spot on his head.


"He did it again! That young cop is really something. So fast and flexible! Ahh, what's his name again?" One of the audience said with admiration in her eyes. She was wearing huge glasses, but they looked quite unfashionable on her. With her bangs and curly medium length hair, she looked like your typical nerd.

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