Chapter 12 - You're Amusing, Zhao Zi

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"Is this how you'd treat someone who wanted to take you out to free lunch?" Jack let Zhao Li An go while he faked a hurt face.

Zhao Li An smiled as he patted Jack. "I genuinely thought that you're Mickey Mouse."

When Jack saw the bandage on the young police's face, his playful tone changed into a concerned one.

"What happened to you?" Jack frowned.

Zhao Li An stopped for a moment. "I- uh got into an accident earlier in the training room. I was in a duel with the captain of the Special Ops Unit. I beat him though," he explained while he kept a triumphant smile.

Jack was not concerned about him winning. He was more concerned that he got hurt. Although he knew that in his line of work, getting hurt was inevitable, he felt uneasy seeing this person in front of him getting hurt. At that point, he was confused. Why did he feel this way towards him? He was not like this before.

Seeing that he was not responding to him, Zhao Li An poked him with his index finger, "Jack?"

The gangster seemed to be still in a daze. He looked at the young police's bandage and voiced out his concern. "Does it hurt?"

He raised his left hand and pointed at the bandage.

Zhao Li An noticed Jack's concern. He tried to hide the bandage from him by covering it with his hand, which was foolish to do when he realized later. He just somehow felt uncomfortable. It was not because he disliked Jack, but it was because he did not want others to worry about him. Besides, the small wound on his face did not hurt. It would heal after a few days.

"It doesn't hurt. It's nothing to worry about. It would heal," he replied as he shook his head with an embarrassed smile.

Jack seemed to figure out what Zhao Li An was thinking, so he stopped from being overly concerned. As long as he was fine and happy, then it was good enough for him.

Changing the topic, Jack handed over his helmet to the young police.

"We should get going before your break time is over, that way you can eat as much as you want."

Zhao Li An gasped. "You're right!"

Quickly, he took Jack's helmet and wore it. "Where's your motorcycle?"

Jack suppressed his laugh and pointed at the direction of where he parked his motorcycle. "That way."

The excitement in Zhao Li An's eyes could not be concealed. He was even ahead of Jack while they walked to the parking lot building. As they walked, Jack thought of a game.

"Zhao Zi," Jack said.

Zhao Li An stopped from making another step. It was his second time hearing Jack call him by his nickname. Usually, it would just be his closest friends who would call him that. Did that mean that they were close? Jack did not even ask for his permission to call him that way. In the end, he thought that he would let it slide because Jack helped him and would treat him in a luxurious restaurant.

"What is it?" Zhao Li An turned around to face the gangster.

Jack had heard about Zhao Li An's good luck, so he wanted to test it out.

"If you could guess where my motorcycle is parked exactly in the building, I would treat you at Golden Pot Restaurant for a week."

Zhao Li An's eyes widened. The first thing that came out of his mouth was about Jack's wealth.

"How rich are you?"

Jack did not answer him directly. He only replied, "Enough to live comfortably."

Being Lucky Can Be A Curse (Jack x Zhao Li An)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ