Chapter 8: Decisions

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"Rose?" Nightmare called, entering the medical center in his manor. He had come to ask the healer about jobs Dream could do without straining him, but she was nowhere to be seen.

"Up here!" A voice called, and Nightmare quickly recognized that it was Rose's, and she was obviously upstairs. Nightmare ascended the stairs, and noticed Rose had her head popped out from the door to the office sections. "Oh! A pleasure to see you, Your Majesty. Is there something you need?"

Nightmare nodded, and Rose motioned for him to join her in her office. He didn't sit down, but did wait for Rose to do so, knowing she was often on her feet for hours on end. "Dream came to my study last week and asked about ways he could help--he says he hates feeling 'useless' and wants to return the favor we are doing him."

Rose shook her head. "From what I've learned about him, that's not entirely surprising." She thrummed her fingers on her desk, and bit her lip as she thought. "It would be best if he's not on his feet."

"I wouldn't have had him do something like that anyway," Nightmare commented, "he's not the cleanly type, although he would do it if we offered without protest."

"Being near someone who understands that he's injured and knows his tells would be good."

"Near his suite if possible?"

"Yes," Rose agreed, she had been marking down things that Dream could do, and had crossed off most of the list. "I don't think being near the knights would be possible, considering how much they move about--how often they're on their feet."

Nightmare nodded slowly. "He can use pure healing magic."

"I want to keep his magic topped off--to expedite his recovery. His magic has been fluctuating, draining faster and slower randomly, so I don't want him healing and suddenly getting low." Rose skimmed her pen down her list, crossed off another two possibilities, then stopped to stare at one. "Does he like plants?"

"He is not going into the garden," Nightmare growled. The very idea of letting Dream into the place had his goop prickling. "I am only one authorized to enter."

Rose held up a placating hand. "I was wondering if he could encourage some growth on the grounds, Your Majesty. I would never suggest he invade your private spaces."

Nightmare shook his head. "He'd be far from others. He could collapse out there and no one would know--if he tried to reach someone he might not be able to make it."

"Yes, well." Rose tapped her pen against her lower lip as she read down the mostly crossed off list. She paused on one, glanced up to Nightmare, and wrote a note off to the side of it.

The Emperor cocked his brow, unamused. "You have an idea."

Rose nodded very, very slowly. She placed her pen back into a pencil holder, and placed her hands on the desk. Nightmare grew tired of her attempts to build anticipation--or whatever she was doing--and allowed his tentacles to show his displeasure. "Spit it out."

"He could help you, Your Majesty," she said softly. "I know you two have some sort of history--and he appeared to want to make amends when I spoke to him. I am aware you might not enjoy his presence, nor want to speak about whatever happened, but he seems rather bright and open and willing--I think he could be rather helpful by your side. You've obviously known him for a long time, considering the age of the empire and the symbol--so you would know his tells of exhaustion or hidden pain best. You can also feel any guilt if he lied to you about his well-being, and your study is close to his suite."

Nightmare froze up, but shook his head vigorously. "No. I'm not sure how much he blabbed, but I refuse to have him by my side. He doesn't... He doesn't deserve it. I cannot trust him with matters of state--if he didn't tell you already, he is an enemy of the empire."

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