Chapter 2: The Day Begins

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Dream awoke to the sound of shuffling feet and quiet humming. The ache in his bones had dulled somewhat, until he tried to sit up. Pain shot up his spine and rested into ringing in his head.

"Your Grace! Be careful, you were heavily injured, you shouldn't sit up so quickly!" A woman rushed up next to him, steading his exposed spine as he trembled.

A small flush crept onto his face when he realized her hand was resting on his bare bone. He tried to scramble away from her touch, but his bones did not enjoy the sharp movement. Letting out a shaky breath, Dream turned to look at the monster supporting him. She appeared to be a humanoid dog, with cream-colored fur and dark brown eyes. "W-who are you? Why are you here?"

The dog hummed and sat him against the headboard, making sure his spine was supported by pillows before answering. "My name is Lucinda, a pleasure to meet you officially, Your Grace." She curtseyed, then continued, "King-Emperor Nightmare asked me to watch over you as you slept so that if anything went wrong someone was with you."

She sat down on a stool by the bed, and stared into nothing. "I've never seen him like that. he seemed almost wor--" She yipped, and glanced back down to Dream. She stood up at once, and tucked her head down. "Forgive my ramblings, Your Grace, His Majesty has asked me to relay your schedule, should you feel well enough to act upon it."

Your Grace? Dream questioned, I have no station here... and I doubt she knows of my role in the multiverse. "A schedule?"

Lucinda met Dream's confused golden eyelights and wondered what he did before he came here. "Yes, a schedule," she answered happily, "although I suppose it's more of a to-do list, considering you have no time constraints in which to complete them." 

Dream nodded for her to continue, to which she produced a small list from her inventory. She hummed as she opened it, then began to read. "Well, it says you were bathed as thoroughly as possible while you were asleep, but you must be cleaned again." She chuckled at Dream's flushed face, "next, you must choose an outfit from the wardrobe--" motioning to one of the doors in the room, she continued, "His Majesty has given you a large selection of choices, but if none of them are to suit your tastes, the tailors can handle that by tomorrow." She skimmed her finger down the list murmuring to herself.

"Pardon?" Dream asked, flexing his phalanges and investigating the new, golden scars that littered his arms.

Lucinda perked up bowed her head quickly. "My apologies, Your Grace, those were instructions for calling the tailors and such things that would follow." She flicked her eyes to the door Dream assumed led to the wardrobe, "but we'll get to that if or when the time comes. You are then to be given a tour of the castle by the Imperial kni-"

"What?" Dream interrupted, eyesockets widening and sitting up sharply. "The Imperial knights? You mean Cross, Killer, Horror, and Dust?" Dream's shock cooled immediately when he noticed Lucinda trembling, eyes shut, next to him. He reached for her hand, and she flinched upon contact. "I'm sorry--" he spoke softly, attempting to calm her down--"I did not intend to shout. I am just surprised Nigh--" he cut himself off, redirecting his train of thought back to the scared monster beside him--"I won't hurt you. There is no need to be afraid of me." He smiled as she shakily opened her eyes, "I promise."

She managed to weakly smile back, and began to apologize for her reaction before Dream quietly shushed her. She blinked at the skeleton in front of her, glanced to the side, then spoke. "Thank you, Your Grace." 

"It's no problem, and you don't need to call me 'Your Grace'." He reassured, using air-quotes to mock the formality.

Lucinda stiffed and looked at her shoes. "That, I cannot do, Your Grace." She smiled at Dream, before shifting her gaze. "I apologize, but it is required by His Imperial and Royal Majesty."

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