I wish she would stop drinking

I wish for many things and they never happen. I grab a apple from the counter top not wanting to waste any more time since I already waste a lot in la la town aka day dreaming.

I made my way to my car, Yes I have a car got my license a month early.

I made my way to school which took about 18 minutes since I had to stop because of traffic. I park my car and made my way to the school I call hell 'welcome to Ace high school, learning is our number one excellence' I hate school.

I made my way to the school front that's when I saw non-other than the schools bitc- I mean Witch, gotta keep it PG-13.

'Why Do you hate me that much' I mentally said looking up in the sky.

As of knowing that I saw her she quickly plastered a fake smile on her face looking at me, if looks could kill I would be dead right now.

"Well if it isn't my favorite Friend" her voice was horrible it sound like her lungs where on the verge of dying. I mentally laugh at her messed up way of thinking I will ever be friends with her.

"Well isn't it my most favorite Cockroach and her Minions" I said sarcastically, wasn't trying to piss her off , but it looks like I did cause her face was turning a color I didn't new exist in the rainbow.

'You could just keep your mouth shut' My self conscious said pissed at my stupidity.

'Its called being badass you should try it some times ' I said to my stupid self conscious.

Back to reality so right now I'm getting my as- I mean arse kick for the eight times this entire school year since I wanted to act the victim everytime.

What it works!!

Anyways I got a fractured nose and a black an blue eye from that plastic bitc- again with the bad word 'stop it Hope'

I'm currently sitting in the the new principal office waiting..... As of cue the new principal walks in taking her seat in front of us.

She is prettier than our last principal, she didn't dress like she was teaching a group of kids on how to be stripper or trying to seduce all the male teachers.

I like her better than our last principal.

I took this as a chance to get into to character since she was new and didn't know much about me. If your wondering why I need to get into character well today is the day that I will get to see miss plastic doll over here expelled since last time on the day before summer breaks she got me detention for saying I was the one who hit her and broke her nose.

Which was true I did broke her nose, it didn't do anything because she probably got it done at some cheap arse plastic surgery.

"Do you want to explain what happened Ms.........Marie" she said calmly pausing for a second to look down on the paper that she was holding.

Time to put your best Oscar winning acting on

" I was just making my w-way..to s-school when she and her friends attack me for no reason.." I said stuttering on my words and even making real tears escape my eyes to seal the act.

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