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The sea began to shake and the man only said "it's late", that's when I noticed the color of their blood, it was not red if not blue and I was not the only one who noticed, quickly we cornered them in the center.

"Calm down, we're not going to hurt them," said the man.

"Who are they?" I asked him.

They looked at each other and there they began to transform, revealing their true nature; her skin changed to a greenish and scaly tone that shone with the sunlight and the water that was on the deck, tridents were formed that each of them took, they were really beautiful and each had a different hair color one blue, one blond, a red, all bright in color. They were mermen, the male species of mermaids, but contrary to them they were peaceful, they could transform and leave the sea.

- They are quite far from its waters, what are they doing here? - Claudia said to them.

"They run away," Trevor answered.

- A monster was wreaking havoc on our home and we decided to give it a home, but not many decided to join us since we spread peace and destroyed our ship- said one of the mermen- and it is here again, look!

We see how something is approaching under the water in the distance, we see the water rise and be dragged; just off the starboard side we see how its tentacles begin to come out and begin to glow and emit energy, it was a bloody giant jellyfish.

"Take your swords, to the cannons!" Trevor shouted and we went in search of the swords and others to the cannons.

When we were leaving again, one of us came forward and tried to cut off one of its tentacles and when it did it was completely electrocuted, burned and shot backwards; we all were left with raised swords and let them go, we only had the cannons and the few weapons on board. There were tentacles everywhere trying to catch us. The cannons were loaded with gunpowder and were ready to be fired "open fire" we shouted and cannon balls began to come out towards his tentacles and he became more enraged, but our ship was already all screwed up by the whirlpool and its tentacles began to fly through the air bursting energy everywhere. The merfolk with their tridents snapped them at their tentacles, reversing their energy and using them against them, since they were not affected as much by this energy, with the water that was on the cover they created more tridents and threw them creating an explosion chain that reached the head of the jellyfish and it exploded leaving all its entrails throughout the ship. The Amaluna was filled with shouts of victory, but when we saw the state of the ship that disappeared, it would take a long time to fix it in the Open Sea.

- Do not worry, we will help you with your boat - said one of the merfolk - we can give you the remains of our ship, we don't need it.

They began to collect the remains of their ship to repair parts of ours, some tentacles were still touching and you had to be careful with them, but we all worked together and we were able to put the ship as before and ready to sail. During that time I met Arturo, he was the lead newt, I told him about our adventure and as thanks for having killed that jellyfish that ravaged his home he gave us a shell with a pearl that pointed towards what you want most, only one worked Once so he warned me to use it well, they said their goodbyes and jumped off the boat home. I hope one day to see him again, I hoped he would not forget the name of my home. I cleared my mind and only thought of my mother and in all our moments together, I opened the shell and it began to glow to guide us, together with Trevor at the helm we went out in search of the Star of Fire.

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