"Hello! Can I help you find something, sir?"

Harry walked next to the counter, looking down at the jewelry in the glass cases.

"Sir? Can I help you find anything?"

A small collection of men's rings caught his eyes and he leaned down to get a closer look.

The woman moved from the shelf she'd been standing by, over to where Harry was standing. She set her hand down on the glass to get his attention, a curious smile on her face, watching the young man's face as he admired the rings.

Harry looked up. "Sorry!" he said in quiet surprise.

"It's alright, honey. Can I help you find something?" She smiled at him, mouth quirked up to the right.

Harry furrowed his eyebrows and reached for his phone, opening the notes app.

Sorry. I'm deaf, I didn't hear you

The woman looked at the phone and nodded, she held her hand out for it. Harry handed her his phone and watched her type her response.

You're perfectly alright dear. Can I help you find anything?

Harry looked back at her words and nodded slowly, thinking.

Yeah... maybe? I'm not sure.

The woman laughed softly at his response and typed back.

Just let me know if you need any help. I'm Olivia.

Harry nodded and thanked her before continuing to look at the rings behind the glass.
Louis. Louis. Louis. Harry's mind raced as he looked at the rings. Louis' delicate hands. The way he touches your skin. Louis. Always. Always Louis.
His mind stopped racing and it felt like his heart stopped for a minute too when he saw it. In the last glass case, a soft gold band, engraved with delicate roses and a small crystal rested on baby blue velvet.
Harry looked up to find Olivia, then looked back down to make sure he didn't imagine something so perfect for Louis. When the gold band was still sat on the blue velvet, Harry made his way across the shop and gave a small wave to Olivia, trying not to look too excited. She smiled and followed him back to the glass case, picking up a pen and piece of paper on her way.

Which one caught your eye, love? She scratched out in delicate script on the paper, clearly torn from a small journal.

Harry pointed to the ring, hand shaking slightly. She raised her eyebrow and smirked softly as she opened the case. She took out the blue velvet box that held the ring and set it on the counter in front of Harry.

Lucky man? Her script fell across the page.

Harry's cheeks flushed and he nodded, biting back a massive grin. He took the pen from her out stretched hand.

I'm the lucky one. But yes, its..for him.

Olivia smiled and nodded, pushing the blue box towards Harry. He picked up the delicate ring from its velvet hold, admiring the engraved roses, the soft gold, the single jewel in the middle. Olivia turned the paper to him again.

The flowers are my favourite part of that ring, little Juliet roses.

Harry looked at her, wide eyed. He looked back at the ring, his mind racing again with images of this ring on Louis' left hand. Louis. Louis. Louis.

It's perfect.

She grinned and scratched down one last note.

I can see your love for him in your eyes. Congratulations, dear.

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