spencer reid // criminal minds

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aurora carter let out another breath as she collapsed onto her living room floor. "mommy!" joshua squealed, falling on top of her. rowan let out a fit of giggles, falling onto the ground next to them. rowan chuckled as joshua kissed her lips and rowan threw her arms around her. "let's go to dinner, ok?" she asked, sitting up. "yay! is daddy coming?" rowan asked. "go see if he's awake" she grinned, letting the two run into their bedroom. "daddy!" rowan squealed as they both jumped onto the bed.

aurora stood in the doorway, chuckling at the sight of a flustered spencer reid. he pulled the twins down under the covers, laughing. "get up doctor" aurora laughed, pulling on his arm. spencer sat up, grinning. they're lips met softly for a second, before pulled away at the gags from the twins. the couple looked over at they're kids, laughing. "ok you little genius, let's go get ready ok?" aurora pulled joshua into my arms. rowan threw her arms around spencer's neck. he chuckled, getting up with his arms around her.

the family got ready, changing and getting the twins ready. "josh! rowan!" spencer called as they ran out of they're apartment. the couple locked up they're door before heading out. "i feel bad pulling you away from work" aurora sighed as they headed to they're car. "it's your birthday rora" he pointed out "i know, but it's just a dinner" she argued. "exactly. they're on an case for one day without me. if it makes you feel better, i'll go in tomorrow." he shrugged. "you might need to go in a little late" she whispered, kissing him. a small smirk appeared on his lips, bringing a smile onto aurora's face.

"everyone in position?" hotch asked, taking a sip of his drink. "yeah, garcia you got us?" morgan asked, looking up to a security camera briefly before focusing back on the menu in front of him. "yeah" she nodded, nervously double checking all the cameras. garcia froze as she zoomed in on the main entrance. "sir is reid on vacation?" garcia asked. confusion flashed hotch's face as rossi looked over at him. "yes garcia, can we focus on the task at hand here" he responded. "yes sir, but" she was cut off by hotch calling her name. "yes sir" she sighed, making sure to keep an eye on the man that looked a lot like reid.

"reid, table for 4" spencer said, holding onto rowan's hand. joshua held onto aurora's neck as she held him. the waiter guided them to a table, handing them menus before he left. "can we get a mac and cheese?" joshua grinned. "i want pasta!" rowan complained. "we'll take one kids mac and cheese and one kids pasta" aurora read off. "i will have lasagna and the birthday lady will be having?" spencer looked over at her and she blushed. "i'll have a small pizza bianca" aurora laughed. the waiter took they're order before heading off.

"mommy, how long is the food going to take?" rowan whined. "ask daddy" she smiled and spencer shot her a glare. aurora laughed as she kissed her annoyed husband. a figure near the entrance of the restaurant caught her eye. though the man's focus was not on them. "mommy i need to go to the bathroom" rowan complained. "ok baby" aurora got up, careful not to seem weird. "hey spencer" she called, getting spencer's attention. "the booth next to the door" she whispered by his ear before taking rowan to the bathroom.

joshua sat across from spencer in the booth, on his mom's phone. spencer looked over at the table aurora told him about. his eyes fell on hotch and rossi. it was no secret to him that they were here on a case. spencer dialed garcia, knowing she would be back at the bau or in a van outside. "oh my god. thank god you called. i really wanted to call you since you entered the restaurant" "garcia, i need you to tell me which table the unsub's at?" spencer cut her off. "right, yeah. he's at the the table with the red wine and no food" garcia said. spencer found the two red wine glasses, careful not to make eye contact with anyone. it was an unsub and a client, except it seemed too easy.

"garcia, how many weapons are in the building right now?" spencer asked, making sure to be as quiet as possible so joshua didn't hear. "um, morgan, hotch, jj, emily, and rossi all have gun on them. there's a swat team in the kitchen and we think the unsub's got a gun in his left pocket" she explained. " now what are the chances that the unsub will shoot?" he asked. "if the deal goes bad or if someone blows there cover, really high" garcia admitted, her voice cracking a little. "ok, now don't tell anyone i'm here. they haven't noticed yet so don't distract them" he told her. "hey reid. who are you with?" she asked. "i'll explain later" he sighed, before hanging up.

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