emily prentiss // criminal minds

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"rough night princess?" morgan smirked as emily came rushing into the bau. her flustered expression and and drastic lateness was all from the broken coffee machine but morgan could see past it. "shut up" she grumbled, sitting down. samantha carter held back a laugh at the sight. emily looked up at her, glaring. sam can admit, she was tired and really ready to get back to bed. but she knew how to keep herself together, opposed to emily. "so who's the lucky guy?" morgan nudged. "leave me alone morgan" emily muttered. "wait, you live with her. did you see him?" reid asked looking up at sam. "yes, he was kind of hot. probably left bruises on her though" she shrugged. reid and morgan burst out laughing as emily shot her a cold glare. "carter shut the fuck up" emily grumbled. "yes ma'am" sam teased.

samantha watched as emily got up, heading to what was definitly was jj's old office outside in the hall. sam smirked as she slipped into the dark office. "really!? bruises?" she glared. "did i lie?" she asked. emily took a step forward, pining sam to the wall. sam grinned at emily's annoyed expression. "do i make you made?" she whispered near her ear. emily slammed her lips against sam's, shutting her up.

"well well well, look what we have here" morgan's voice had them both pulling away. a small smirk on morgan's lips as reid grinned. "we we're" emily stuttered, not really getting a response out. "oh you were what? "morgan teased. "we're dating, whoopee, can we go now?" sam shrugged. "no! how long has this been going on?" reid asked. "a couple months" emily admitted. "well we're happy for you two, even if that mean i've lost my chance" morgan smirked. "oh shut it" sam rolled her eyes. the boys laughed, leaving the girls alone. "does this mean i finally can kiss you at work?" sam whispered. "anytime" emily grinned, meeting her lips once more.

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