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I WOKE UP With warm sunlight brushing my face . I stretched my arms and legs as I stared blankly up at the ceiling . Memories of last night rushed back , I remembered someone holding me up when I lost consciousness . The rest after that was a huge blank. Was that Finn? If yes ,then did he do something to me... I sat upright and checked myself anxiously , I wasn't sore anywhere I shouldn't be , but surely my head did hurt a little.

I knew it was wrong to think that low of him , but I've learned from a young age to always be careful when it came to men .

The floor creaked outside the room and my mum rushed inside . Her forehead furrowed in worry and her blond hair tied up in a messy bun .
Tears glistening her eyes , she embraced me in her arms.

" how are you?" she sobbed .
" if that's how you're gonna react whenever I come home drunk in some stranger's arms then I'm all up for it "
She looked at me incredulously. " you don't remember anything?" she questioned.

" Remember what" . Now I was worried .
" there was an attack last night ....on the gathering , there were ten vampires . Those creatures killed some of our kind ."
It took me seconds to process what she said , but as soon as it did my eyes widened in shock.

Kate. It was the first name that landed on my lips , I looked around wiping a tear that escaped from my eye. I wanted to know if she was okay , but I couldn't bring myself to say it out loud perhaps I was afraid of the answer. Please don't be dead Kate .

"Kate?" I said finally. My heart was accelerating .
" she's alright , dear" She smiled .
I sighed with relief , the most important person in my life was okay . If something would have happened to her ..... I might have killed myself out of guilt . But still I felt miserable , miserable for being helpless when they needed me. It had made a difference if I was conscious , someone would be breathing if I was awake.

" We were lucky that Finnegan Wiley was there, he handled the situation pretty well . But sadly he lost his beta Jenkins ; moon goddess bless his soul"

I hugged my knees together as tears spilled from my eyes. Though he was rude to me he didn't deserve that , no one does. My mom left after telling me that It was not my fault , that I'm just a young girl and it contributed in giving me a lifelong lesson.

I admit my mom was happy with me being alive but I guessed she didn't approve my recklessness.


I decided to see Finn after I showered and got ready . My mum told me the entire incident while I nibbled on a sandwich , though sandwich was my favorite, I barely finished it . She said that when I fainted , Finn grabbed and landed me safely in his car, that I was inside it when those blood leeches entered out territory . All of them shifted in their wolf form and handed those vampire to death . Well, not all of them , they killed some of us with the element of surprise
She was inside unaware when he brought me in , his white shirt bloodied and torn in some places.

I owed my life to him .
I stopped in front of a huge villa that belonged to Monroe alpha and luna . The walls of the villa were made up of white marble with modern texture to it .
Pine trees surrounded the pathway that led to main road . The guards recognised me and let me go inside without saying anything .

I had called Kate as soon as I pulled myself together , she informed me that she was perfectly fine . Also she mentioned that Finn and his pack were staying with them for some weeks . So here I was.

I opened the door without ringing the bell or knocking as it was something rarely did. I spent a lot of my childhood here so this place felt like home , more than my house ever did.

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