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Nolan led us down a long hallway into the underbelly of the HQ. We went though a huge blast door and down a hallway with bare concrete floors and tin foil covered walls. There were long pipes that went down the walls and any manner of wires and hoses that went along the ceiling.

“What your looking it is quite possibly the world's best kept secret”, Nolan said, “There's very little I keep from the people of Romeo, the specs for the Cold Fusion reactors is one, but this beyond even that. There are a great many parts to this system that could be re-purposed for WMD's.”

“I don't blame you”, Hudson said.

“Once the device is fully operational”, Nolan said, “it will be revealed, but for now it's hush-hush.”

Nolan led us into a huge room that was encircling a giant glass bubble. There were two large copper wrappings around the inside of the glass and there was a huge, silver fuse like object in the ceiling. There were a few humans in lab coats running around with clipboards and tools that I guessed were for working on whatever it was that this machine was called. There was air so cold being ejected from various ports on the machine you could see it. The entire room was shrouded in a cold mist and waves of blue energy were pulsing through the ceiling. It was like something out of a movie, truly a sight to behold.

“Dr. Allen”, Nolan said.

“President Scott”, the scientist said, “what brings you down here.”

“We need to fire it up”, Nolan said, “we have a Priority Nexus Rescue here and Tyro here can't go in as himself.”

The doctor looked at me, “you HDR?”

“Yeah”, I replied.

“You feeling okay?”, the doctor asked, “no headaches, nausea, anything?”

“Yeah”, I said, “I feel fine.”

“Then get in there”, the man said.

Was a loud decompressing sound as the glass doors slid open. I stepped inside and they shut behind me.

“The chamber has to pressurized to thirty psi”, the doctor said over a loud speaker, “so things my start to feel a little heavy.”

There was a loud hiss as the extra air started filling the chamber. Steadily, I began to feel the pressure building up, mostly on my chest and back. Within two or three minutes, the hissing had stopped.

“Were good to go”, Nolan said, “tell us.”

“Let's do this”, I said inhaling deeply, “hit it.”

I watched from the chamber as the doctors hit a button. There was a loud humming noise and the chamber began to cool down. I looked up and could see the copper pulsing with so much energy it was arcing off the slightest piece of metal. Soon it was arcing through the floor and then the first jolt came. I felt like someone had driven a knife right into my stomach and twisted the blade. All the breath left me as I was knocked to the side. The bolts came again and again and yet again. They were tearing through my body like bullets. Every time the jolt came all the air would leave my lungs. My heart was beating so fast I felt it might explode. The pain soon got so bad that I collapsed, blacking out as soon as I smacked my head on the concrete floor.

A Dragon's Tale #Watty's2015Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant