[Game 27]

690 37 65

Your friends begged and begged you to go shopping with them after school, so you gave in and did so. You were walking , still in your school uniform down to the shops. You hummed softly while the other friends talked and laughed.

"[Name]! What are you going to buy?" [Friends name] asked.

"I wanna go get a big teddy bear. They're selling it at [store]."  [Another friends name] beamed.

"Hmm."You thought for  a moment."I have no idea, but I feel like buying [food/toy/etc-]

You heard some chuckling  behind you. You blinked and turned around along with your friends. There was a man in black standing there. He looked awfully like Kuroha. You felt fear strike your heart." U-Uhm.. That's a good cosplay.."You  mumbled.

"Cosplay?"Kuroha smirked, raising a brow. He suddenly held up his gun to you." This isn't a cosplay.. [name]."


How did he know your name?!

[What do you do?]

[Post in comments.]

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