[Game 17]

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Your were walking around in the Dan apartment. You suddenly  fell over a misplaced book and fell over. You burst out in tears due to the pain. 

Seto's eyes widened. He ran over to you and gently picked you  up, "Are you okay,[Name]?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows in worry as you continued to cry.

"I-I think.."You sniffled,"I sprained my ankle.." 

Seto gently placed you on the couch, "Hold on, I'll get you something!" He rushed to the kitchen and got a first aid kit. He went back to you, kneeling in front of you. He fixed up your ankle by bandaging it.  You smiled slightly.

"Thanks Seto.."You bashfully thanked him.

Seto smiled softly,"No problem."He leaned down, softly kissing your foot, "I hope it gets better soon."

[What do you do?]

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