[Game 1]

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 You just finished watching Mekakucity actors for the third time. You find it hard to believe that it's finished.. but at least Kagepro got an anime, right?

You look at the time  on your computer and see that it's 1:31 AM.  You're lucky it's sunday and not a school day otherwise you'd be going to school really tired.

You decided it's time to go to bed. You shut off your laptop/computer,putting it away. After everythings done you hop into bed and go to sleep after a bit.

When you wake up you see that you're not in your room. You're on the couch, in a room that  looks like the lounge room from.. Mekakucity actors?!

You sit up on the couch then suddenly a door opens, out comes the dan.

What do you do?

Post it below in the comments.

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