The rest of the house

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So I just had the BEST and CRAZIEST Larry dream! It was from Louis point of view and it was so detailed that I'm going to turn it into a story. So keep your eyes peeled for that one!

P.S.  I was pretty horny when I woke up XD 

P.P.S. I was also devo that I wasn't actually Louis and didn't actually get to see Harry like that :S


Louis POV

Hand in hand we walk back towards the house. I feel so content and happy in this moment. Harry is walking slightly in front of me as we approach the front door and he pushes it open, holding it with his arm outstretched so I can walk through. 

I smile at him, letting go of his hand as I make my way inside. I walk into the kitchen to find three pairs of eyes staring back at me. I feel Harry stop beside me, looking at the three boys in the kitchen. 

All of them are trying to hold back a smile and Niall is waggling his eyebrows at us. I hear Harry suck in air between his teeth, obviously feeling a little awkward. To take the attention off of us, I divert my gaze to Zayn.

"So Zayn. Care to tell me the juicy deets about how you got those massive hickies?". Just like that, the attention shifts to Zayn, causing his eyes to widen and his cheeks to redden under the attention. 

"Fuck you Lou" He mumbles, hands lifting the collar of his shirt up higher in hopes of hiding the bruises. I smirk and swagger over to the counter, watching Liams eyes skim his neck for the evidence and Niall pull at his collar, displaying the purple spots. 

Zayn lets out a long sigh and gives up trying to cover them. 

"Well well well. Zaynie got some!" Niall half shouts in excitement. "Tell me everything!"

"Please tell me it was drummer boy?" Liam questions, grin on his face as Zayn squirms under the attention. 

"HIs name is Josh and I'm not giving out any details" Zayn shoots back. 

I watch the questioning continue, leaning my arms on the counter until my attention is shifted as a large hand splays out on the counter in front of me. I grin as I feel heat from Harry's body close behind me and I turn my head to look at him. 

He has a dimpled grin on his face as his hair hangs down over his shoulders. 

"Nice diversion babe" he says.

"Thanks - I do my best" I grin back at him, reaching up to poke a dimple, causing him to chuckle. Suddenly the phone rings, causing all of us to jump. Liam jogs over to the phone to answer it while the rest of us decide on breakfast. 

The consensus is to head into town as no one feels like cooking anything and just as we are sorting out the finer details Liam walks back over with a frown on his face.

Niall is quick to go to his side and hold his hand. I grin fondly at them. They are so gone for each other. 

"That was management. They said something has come up and we need to head back earlier than expected. They have arranged flights for tomorrow afternoon."

The mood in the room drops. 

"Did he say what the issue is?" I ask.

Liam just shakes his head. Zayn lets out a huff. "Oh well not much we can do about it. Let's just enjoy our last night here" 

We all plaster on smiles and agree. We have had an amazing time here, for the most part, and I do want to get back on the stage. 

"It's just.. whenever management say 'something has come up', it causes grief for us" Niall mumbles unhappily. I nod in agreement as Harry places a hands reassuringly on my back. I take a deep breath and decide that I'm not going to let this ruin our last night.

"Come on guys. Like Zayn said, lets make the most of our time here" Im greeted with nods and we all head out to grab some breakfast. 

We spend the rest of the day in town and on the beach before buying takeaway for dinner. We sit out by the pool as we eat and chat. After we finish eating Zayn gets up, brushing of his pants and looking around at us.

"Um. I'm going to head back to the bar, you know, one last time."

We all smile, knowing why he wants to go to the bar, however rather than teasing him like normal, we all give him a wave, tell him to enjoy himself and let him leave. He looked pretty down and I think we all know that he actually has feeling for this boy.

"Well I am buggered so I am going to bed." I say before pulling my feet out of the water and standing up. 

I look at Liam and Niall, smiling as I see Niall curled up on Liams side, Liams arm securely around his waist. They both smile back at me and tell me goodnight. I look down to Harry, who is still sitting with his feet in the water, staring out at the waves in the distance.

Im torn between wanting to ask him to come with me, but not wanting to seem clingy. I can see the other two watching me in amusement at my obvious struggle. I settle with a quiet "G'night Harry" and turn to walk inside. 

I barely take three steps before a warm hand and grabbing my wrist, pulling me back into a strong chest. I catch my breath as Harry's musky scent invades my nostrils as stumble into his arms. I feel his chest vibrate as he chuckles and he wraps his arms around my waist gently. 

I take a step back after getting my balance and look into his green eyes. He smiles, dropping one his hands to take mine, threading our fingers together. 

"Can I join you?" he asks quietly. I let out a sigh of relief and nod my head, giving a final wave to the smiling duo before leading Harry up the stairs. I'm about to head to my room but I stop in front of Harry's room. Harry comes to a stop behind me, tilting his head in a questioning way.

I shift my weight a couple of times on my feet before looking up at him.

"Do you mind if we sleep in your room tonight? It's just.. it smells like you and we haven't spent much time in your room and I think it would be nice -" I'm cut off from my rambling by Harry putting his finger to my lips to shush me and chuckling. 

"I don't mind at all Lou" 

I relax my shoulders and smile as I follow Harry into his room. I quickly strip of my clothes until I'm in my boxers and crawl into his bed. This whole room smells like Harry. I snuggle further into the pillow, bringing the blanket up over me to envelop me in his scent. 

I breath in deeply, closing my eyes and his scent washes over me, calming me until I'm almost dozing off. I feel the bed dip as Harry gets in next to me, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me into his chest. He rests his cheek against mine and runs his fingers through my hair causing me to let out a content sigh.

"Are you ok Lou?" He sounds muffled and I can feel the vibrations down my neck as me ears are covered, one by the pillow and one by the side of his face. 

"I think I'm just worried about tomorrow and what management are going to say" I answer. 

He hums in agreement, continuing to run his fingers through my hair. I think we all feel apprehensive. Liam and Niall finally got to be a proper couple, me and Harry have whatever we have going on and Zayn also found someone. I think we all forgot that back in the real world, we can't be whoever we want to be. I know thats why I want to be in his room. His scent is able to get the stress to leave my body. I don't say that because I feel stupid but I'm sure he can sense it.

Regardless, I roll over so that i can nuzzle into his neck where his scent is the strongest, arm snaking over his waist and my legs tangling with his. He presses his lips to my forehead and gives me a tight hug, leaving his arms around me.

"Goodnight sweetheart" he whispers. My heart flutters and a small smile forms on my face at his gentleness. 

I fall asleep to the sound of Harry's steady heartbeat, enveloped in a blanket of his scent and his warm arms wrapped around me. 

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