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"Are you sure you're going to be okay Seth? I really don't want to go, I can work from home again, I swear it's fine if I don't go-"

"Oakley." Seth interrupted with a goofy smile. "I'll miss you like crazy but you need to go. I'll be fine, I have your brother to annoy me." he giggled, insisting I head into work like I had promised I would.

I sighed and took his hands. "Promise me that if you begin to feel sore, or tired, or funky, or you need more ice cream or you want a pedicure, call me. Or text me. Or send an owl for all I care, just..." I cut myself off and sighed again. "I haven't been away from you in a while. And I don't know how I can leave you when you're injured like this..."

Seth smiled at me sadly, squeezing my hands once more. "We've got this. It's gonna suck but we need to learn how to be apart somehow." I knew he was right, though I hated knowing he would be without me today, and me without him. "And I pinky promise, I will." he knew that would make me smile as it always does, holding out his pinky for me to take as I smirked at this goof of a man I had become so reliant on.

"Okay. I'm going to go before I change my mind." I walked away to the doorway, turning on my heel and sliding on my brown jacket over my outfit. 

Standing in the doorway I shared one more loving look with Seth, missing him already. I smiled half-heartedly, wanting to reassure him and leave him on a positive note, before blowing him a kiss. Being the geek he is, he pretended to catch the kiss in the air and placed it on his heart dramatically. As nerdy as it was, it made me smile like an idiot and made my heart pound in my chest.

Finally, I walked through the hall and greeted the others before I left. 

"Last chance to back out and let me win the bet!" Quil called to me, still thinking I'd announce I was staying. 

I shook my head stubbornly. "Nope. I'm going to work. I'm a big girl, I can handle a day without my boyf-....without Seth." I trailed off realising he wasn't actually my boyfriend, we'd just kissed a couple times. 

Well, that and the fact that we had imprinted on each other and were literally destined to be together forever...

Embry smirked at my slip up and Paul giggled. "Your what now?" he questioned, eyebrow raised.

"My imprint." I clarified, crossing my arms thinking I'd won.

A look was shared between the group, smirks on their faces as they were thoroughly enjoying the awkward stage Seth and I were in. We were in that horrible place where you've kissed a few times but nothing official. Except it was 10x worse for us seeing as we were bound to each other through being literal soulmates making it feel like we were official already in many ways, and also the fact that we haven't actually been able to go on a real date yet. 

It was all very awkward and confusing, and there was no right way to go around it. But it made for a very entertaining show for the rest of the pack who were placing bets and giggling at our 'will they / won't they' charade.

"Get out of here, little Lahote. Before you think so hard you fry your brain," Jared teased bringing me into a side hug. 

"When are we going to address the fact that Oakley has these weird ass hybrid powers she found in the battle? Has everyone else just conveniently forgotten that?" Embry pointed out, clearly itching to know more.

We all giggled as we remembered the incidents and the fact I had more powers than I realised. "We can figure that out later. Not my priority." I mumbled.

"Her priority is her 'boyf-Seth' guys, not her groundbreaking, unheard of, super secret super magical hybrid powers," Paul teased further, mimicking my slip up from before by copying my words. Clearly he was a lot more impressed with my powers than I realised or than I was, myself too focused on Seth's recovery to really care yet.

Fortuity // Seth ClearwaterWhere stories live. Discover now